AMD 65. Yes or no?


New member
So the tax return is getting filed soon, and I want an AK.

I've spent a bunch of time looking at all the different models, stock styles, and all and I am really interested in the AMD 65 from Hungary.

I've read mixed reviews on it, and was hoping someone on hear would have shot or owned one. I don't want to end up with my first AK being a bust, but I really like the light weight and shorter length aspects of the AMD.

So what's the consensus guys?


New member
Yeah, it was some work getting it on there. I get the idea the guy is making them out of his garage or small shop, so properly formed mounting clamps might be beyond his capability. But that was a couple years, maybe they are better now.


New member
Mine are great little rifles. They're the homegrown variety. FEG used to make some very fine firearms in their day.
The loudener is good for gaining room at the range, and sometimes the flame really spouts out of it impressively.


New member
They've been hard to get at decent prices since 0bama panic II kicked in. They were readily available for good prices when I got mine. I was considering getting another, but had other things I wanted to get 1st before another AMD, but kept my eyes on pricing as it slowly crept up. Then chit hit the fan and prices exploded.

I get the idea that there were a certain amount of these brought in for conversion and once most were sold they started to get harder to buy as those of us that have them aren't looking to sell. It's not like the 247-T I got a couple months ago that are being cranked out new in Florida.


New member
Yeah all I have found online have been kits. And even those are $350 or so. Receiver would be at least 50. And I'd have to pay someone to put it together... not fiscally feasible for me.

In a perfect world, I could just take an AK of my liking, cut the barrel down, weld on a muzzle device to ATF length and be good to go... but that isn't an option at this time


New member
I had one that I sold to my brother. Overall I liked it, but the bad cheek weld make me sell it over one of my others. If possible, I'd get the ones Tennessee Guns put out that was built on a FEG 2000M receiver. Fit, finish and function were very good.


New member
I don't think AMD 65s have been available on a retail level for a while.

You are probably looking at the used market to get one, or hope that another batch gets imported someday.


New member
My vote is No, but that is based on personal opinion.

The AMD is a cool AK, but it doesn't share other parts with other standard AK47's. I don't like steel/wire stocks because of the lack of cheek weld, and particularly the AMD-65 has only one skinny wire stock.

For the price, get a standard AK with standard handguards and stock setup.


New member
Check out Yugo NPap. Price of a WASR but I've heard of less reliability issues. However, post-2008 WASR's seem to have improved. From what I hear and have seen myself, the rivets are actually done correctly, little mag wobble, and the canted sights and becoming less common. The WASR also uses standard AK furniture unlike the PAP and had a chrome lined barrel. Personally, WASR's don't scare me they are an AK just like all the others, simple and reliable :D