Ambidextrious safety on the Hi Pwer


New member
I have just purchased a MKII HP and am planning on carrying it regularly. I have an HBE COMIII on order.

I am not so much concerned as I am just curious about how the ambi safety will affect carryability. If it were up to me it would be a righty only safety and I am aware that the existing safety can be altered to remove the lefty side.

Short of doing that however are there any instances where having the ambi safety intact had an impact on carrying the HP?


New member
I dont like the one on mine. It pinches my trigger fnger when I sweep it off and its annoying. I dont use it much other than a range toy anymore, so I just live with it. If I were to carry it, it would be gone.


New member
Do you all carry your BHPs C&L? I have never felt as comfortable doing this with my BHP as I have with my 1911.


New member
I suspect you'll be much more happy with the safety set up if you send it off to Cylinder and Slide to have one of their improved safeties installed. More positive on/off and more ergonomic in general.


Chieftan 6

New member
I generally don't care for Ambi Safeties on my carry guns.

For games, no worries, but particularly for CCW it is one more chance for a surprise if that off side lever should hang up on something and swipe itself off. Same applies for my 1911's and Highpowers. Almost all of them have a single sided safety.

I even put an EGW safety in my Springfield Professional, which comes with Ambi Safeties. I did that so I am more comfortable when I use the Pro for CCW for the afore stated reasons.

Go figure.



New member

I have had occassion where I found the safety OFF on my HP after strong side, behind the hip carry, I think the ambi got knocked off by the seat belt stub.

I intend to change the thing in the near future to a single side only.

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Not really necessary to send to C&S

I ordered a single-side extended safety from Cylinder and Slide. When it arrived in a few days, I took it to my local gunsmith. He installed it while I waited. No shipping expenses, no lengthy wait. It's been entrirely satisfactory.
