gift card offer?

big al hunter

New member
I heard today that is offering a $100 gift card for anyone that turns in a gun. Aside from the fact that all of my firearms are worth far more than that, I wouldn't turn them in for $ 100,000 each.

It got me thinking what would it take????? Money is not the issue for me, it is the principal. What would it take to make you give your guns up?


New member
What would it take to make you give your guns up?

There is nothing that I can imagine that would cause me to give up my firearms freely.

I would guess that virtually every response to this thread will read the same way.
Amazon is providing gift cards to the city of Seattle for their gun buy back.

I have a couple of absolute trashers that I could be inclined to turn in.

They might even work, but I wouldn't want to be the one to try and fire them.


New member
What would it take to make you give your guns up?
You ask a fair and honest question & I'll give you a fair and honest answer.

What would it take for me to give up my guns?
Less and less every day.

- Huge crippling medical bills.
- Possible loss of home.
- Enormous "winner take all fight" for the RKBA. I'd sell (nearly) all my guns and donate the money to help finance that fight.
- Gun buyback - under the right circumstances. Sorry - digging a hole and burying them vs getting something in return? No brainer.
- Sell them to someone that will get some enjoyment and use out of them.

That's just a few. I'm sure there's more...