Amazing comment from Judge Napolitano


New member
I am... amazed. I just watched him state, on national television, "I tend to subscribe to the theory that where there are more guns, there is less crime". I don't know what to say... I had him pegged as an anti. There's a pleasant surprise to brighten up my day!


New member
I've been watching Napalitano for some time, and he seems to be on our side. Right after the hijackings, he was on Hannity & Colmes and was arguing with Shawn Hannity that if there were ordinary citizens on the airliners with their own guns, this disaster would have been minimized if not prevented altogether! Somebody get this man a uniform!


New member
"He's the guy with the REALLY bad haircut"

Then you haven't seen mine. ;)

Napolitano's views have been fairly right of center, and I usually agree with what he says. The only problem is that nobody knows who he is, so his views don't resonate as they should.