Am I the only one?


New member
Am I the only one who feels tempted to buy pre-ban magazines, when finding a good deal on them, even though I don't have the gun that they would go to?


James K

Member In Memoriam
Well, once upon a time, there were a lot of GI magazines around and they were cheap because there were no rifles available to use them. So, for the heck of it, I bought a couple of dozen at a whole $1.50 each.

Oh, by the way, the rifle was the M14.



New member
If I think that I will be getting the gun, then I would buy them. Sometimes perception becomes reality.


New member
Well I was thinking about getting a pair of Beretta 92 magazines from DSA. They're South African military.

Of course, I don't have a Beretta 92, nor do I currently plan to buy one. But, my rationale was, I *might* get a Beretta.

I decided to save myself $60 and not get 'em, but still. (I think I'd prefer a CZ85 over a Beretta 92 anyway.) The temptation persists.


New member
I live in California, which banned importing, buying, selling, or otherwise transferring magazines over 10 rounds back on January 1, 2000 (I think that's when it was). Anyway, I got into a bit of a frenzy buying full-cap magazines for every gun I thought I might EVER want before this ban took effect. I don't regret doing it, although I have quite a few mags for guns I still don't own and probably won't for another year or two - maybe longer.

Some will think this was silly, since it would be easy to just bring them in from Nevada or other states (it is legal to have them, you just aren't supposed to acquire new ones after the ban went into effect - but there's really no way to tell when you got them once you have them). But I just figured I would get them legal and not worry about it later.



New member
I know that this isn't what you meant, and I'm sure I'll get bashed for it, but I'm gonna vent anyway...

What pi$$es me off, is when a TFL member posts a good deal to his fellow TFL'ers regarding a couple of hi-cap mags. Then, an individual who's only use of TFL is to sell hi-caps will buy them up IMMEDIATELY (because they obviously have the luxury of being online 24/7) and then post those same mags for sale days later at an extra $20 a pop.

I don't care what "free enterprise" that's protected under, I think it's a chicken crap practice. You already obviously have a supply coming from somewhere... let the other members get an occasional good deal every now and again...

As for your actual post, I owned 4 pre-ban USP40 mags before I ever bought a USP. I bought 2 for a Glock 19, and purchased the pistol later.

And yes, if I ever sold the pistol, I'd sell the mags and get my $$$ back, but I didn't buy them on Monday with the sole intention of selling them at a higher price on Wednesday.

Flame retardant jacket on :cool:


New member
WARNING!! Do not buy the full caps if you don't own the gun. If you do you will find yourself buying the gun that those mags go to. Trust me, I know.


New member
I've done that, but not just in case I might buy that gun some day. I've found that preban magazines make for great barter.



Those are not Beretta mags. They are made by Vektor for a couple of South African pistols which have frames almost identical to the Beretta 92.

I have 10 of them and have handled around 15. They are VERY good quality. The mag bodies are made of thicker sheet metal than any Beretta mags I've seen and are case hardened. Springs are strong, and the floorplates & followers are aluminum.

However since they are not exactly Beretta mags, you may have to fiddle with them a bit to get them to work. I had a couple that wouldn't lock the slide back, or that wouldn't latch into the gun.

I fixed nearly all the problems by just switching followers and floorplates around, but I did have to open up the mag-catch hole on one of the mags that wouldn't latch in. Ruined a needle file in the process--that case hardening is really tough! (Probably should have used a Dremel) Anyway, I got them all working and have had no function problems since the initial glitches. They are very sturdy--I don't expect them to wear out in my lifetime.

Beretta springs and followers work in the mags (although the original parts may be sturdier), but the Beretta floorplates won't work since the sheetmetal is thicker on the Vektor mags. That may irk you a bit since the floorplates are painted aluminum and the paint will flake off pretty easily. They are also a bit oversize compared to the Beretta floorplates. Not so you'ld immediately notice it, but if you are a stickler for details, it may stick in your craw.

I highly recommend them--IMO, if you're willing to do the initial fiddling to get them working they are probably the best Beretta 92 mags on the market.

Good shooting,



New member
I'll keep 'em in mind if I actually get the Beretta pistol, LOL. Though, of the various 9mms I've looked at, so far the CZ-85 is my favorite. :)

Thanks for the review of them, though! A trick I saw on the Ruger forums is to buy aftermarket magazines and replace the springs and followers with factory. Apparently, for the Ruger P89 family, at least, this works quite well.