Am I the only luck one?


New member
I have noticed in several different threads that people are constantly saying, "I lost a friendship because of my love for guns" or "we are not friends anymore because of guns". I have thought back all the way to highschool and I can't find any friends that were leary of me for owning a firearm. I have hunted with three of my teachers while in highschool. They are all still real good friends. One of my best friends is a police dispatcher and we still go shooting together. Even my doctors are aware of my like for firearms and expressed that they had personal interests in shooting. They are all at peace with the thought that I carry to protect myself. Only one doctor has a problem with me, He's a KC Chiefs fan and I am a Broncos fan, but that is a different beef. I can't think of any one friend that does not like guns for hunting or shooting of some sort. I even used to have a girlfriend that liked to shoot, she liked to shop more, but still had no problem with guns.

Do you really lose a friend or do you just not talk about guns?

Does that make me wierd or am I the luckiest guy in the world.



New member
Count me as another lucky one. While I was dating my current wife, I introduced her to my collection and she held each one and kept repeating "This is sooooo cool". We've been married four years now and in that time has shot an antelope and a cow elk. My best friend in Massachusetts, who thinks Clinton hung the moon and Gore was robbed and can't be convinced that more gun laws aren't the answer, never turns down an offer to go to the range. I've met a wide variety of people and though we didn't see eye to eye when the subject came up, never thought lesser of me for being a proud gun owner and life member of the NRA.


New member
My girlfriend of a year and a half loves shooting guns, but she hates cleaning them. Its pain in the butt to get her to clean her Ar15 or Mossberg, but if i offer to clean them, she keeps firing until the ammo box is dry. Of course, that also means that my wallet will be empty by the end of the day.



New member
I feel it's simply a matter of demographics. Here in South Carolina, like Texas and other gun-friendly States, I think you're looked at as "strange" if you DON'T own a firearm.
I talk about guns to find out who I want to be friends with.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Same here. I don't snub people I have befriended before an interest in guns. If they live and let live, I keep them as friends. If they argue for control, I drop them. Lately, I've not had any problems. In part, I won't invite antis to my home and that means I don't befriend them. Besides, being a consistent anti requires mental paucity of an unendurable extent.


New member

I've really got it made. When I went to ask my father-in-law if I could marry his daughter, 12.5 years ago, he was cleaning his S&W model 60. He told me if we could marry but remember it was a life commitment. He said we'd have to work out our own problems when we had them. It would be none of his business, unless she came home with bruises. Then I would be dead. Point taken... Anyway not only did I marry a girl who appreciates guns, she shoots pretty good too, but also got a father-in-law that is so much like me it's scary. We will probably be shooting together this evening.

The only time guns came between my wife and me was when I came out of a gun show with a M-1 carbine slung over my shoulder and hadn't at least consulted her before spending the money. I told her it was Sunday and 1645hrs. I only had 15 minutes to make the decision, no time to ask. She was talking to me again the next day.

I am the king of the world!!!!

Scott A. vaughn


New member
I think most people outside of California are lucky in that respect. Here, when someone finds out i like guns, they think your crazy. Kinda the way 13 year old goof around about breasts, thats the reaction i get from people about me loving guns. "Its a nice day...i guess that means your going shooting he he he he, What are you doing on the internet, looking at guns? he he hehe" I just dont get it. Many see it as a mental deficiency here.
My girlie likes to shoot, but has more of an attidute like she 'puts up with me' when it comes to me likeing guns too much. "Its ok to have them, but why do you need more than one." Gerrr.
But as for most people out here, nobody reads books other than fiction, they watch TV all day, and the CA education system is a ringer for dead last in the US. People with no sence of history, and whose idea of Partiotism means criticizing American troops, and buying American made beer- its no wonder guns are a joke to them. No sence of history, of pride, or even of themselves. (no not all Californians of course, just the ones i keep running into).
Just like our politicians...You can own a gun, if your a legitamate sportsman, but not an Assault weapon as its too scary, not a Saturday Night Special because their cheep and dangerous, not a 'sub compact' as those are criminal weapons, and not an auto-loader or hi capacity drug dealers weapon, and nothing all black as thats scary. No junk guns b/c you may drop it and shoot your kid, and nothing without an internal lock so thieves cant use it, or you in a rash and brasen hurry. Oh, and nothing too accurate at long range because all snipers are anti governemt. And you better not use +P ammo b/c that will go through vests, and blow up cars, and thats bad for our children.

However, i have noticed the media tide is turning, though the laws here are not.


New member
The people I count as friends include some that I met nearly forty years ago. One is, or at least was, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party. My closest friend is apolitical, but votes liberal. Neither like guns, so we either argue about them for awhile and move on, or I end up with them wanting to go shooting again.

The worst is losing clients. There are many art directors who won't work with me because they hate guns and they know I'm a gun nut. (Yes, I _am_ a gun nut). Usually I don't get into discussions of politics with clients, but still "the word" gets around.



New member
Not only haven't I lost any old friend of mine but I made a few new good friends due to weapons interest sharing.