Am I insane?


New member
Just wondering. :D



New member
No you're not insane. These are great guns. I recently shot a friend's. Look for 44 specials or lite magnums like Ga. Arms 240 gr @ 1000fps and you'll see what a cool gun this is. Even with regular 240 gr 44 mags its a great gun. Dump the Houges and get Packmeyr decelerators and this becomes a really great woods gun.


New member
It all depends on if you drank your milk, like your mommie said, when you were younger!! ;)
Otherwise, yer gunna break yer wrist!! :eek:


New member
Insane cuz your shooting that cannon with wooden grips, YES!!! :eek: Whats that thing weigh...26-28 ounces maybe? Sounds painful!

Greg Bell

New member
A buddy of mine has a .357 pd in bonecrackanium. I hate shooting that gun. I prefer shooting my 870 with factory top-folder and magnum loads--all day!


New member
Yeah, this was one of those impulse buys at the gun show... Don't you hate those impulse buys you make before thinking it all the way through? :D

I'll definitely be stocking up on some .44spl.

Or at least a wrist brace.


New member
Those grips are GOOD lookin, but honestly, i would put those hogues back on...your hands will thank you! Even my 629 6 1/2" is a handfull...even with the hogues...couldnt imagine that cannon!

Greg Bell

New member
Hey, if anybody condescends to you about recoil, just hand them that thing with some Cor-Bons! My legal services are available. :D

Sir William

New member
A pretty revolver. I looked at a 325 like Joe Hatley has recently. I think they are common sense in 45 ACP. 44 Magnum? Insane.


New member
NO. You're not insane.
Insane is letting someone hit you in the hand with a wooden baseball bat...or a rubber coated baseball bat.

Oh, wait a sec...yep. You're KWAZY!!! :D

Nice S&W. Great choice in an impulse buy!
Have fun. :)


New member
BTW, did you see Taurus' answer to your new Smith?

Oh, wow! They finally made a Tracker in .44 Mag! I've been waiting for one of those since the Tracker line came out! :)

(Not sure if that's the answer you're talking about, but that's what I've been wanting for a long time.)