Am I Broken?


New member
I must admit, the Browning High Power pistol is one of the most gorgeous pistols out there. On paper, it's a great pistol. Short, crisp trigger? Check. Browning Design? Check. Accuracy? Check. Excellent track record and reliability? Check. Every time I look at one I drool, so why is it that every time I pick one up I get disappointed? Something about the grip doesn't feel right, I can't stand the placement and shape of the thumb safety, the trigger is short and crisp but somehow feels odd to me, and I just somehow find the way it points and handles unimpressive... Am I broken? What is it about the handling of the pistol that other people get and I dont?


New member
I think the phrase 'Different strokes for different folks' exists for a reason. Even the most technically perfect firearm (or tool, or musical instrument, or car or what have you) will not appeal to everyone. That's why we have more than one manufacturer for everything.


New member
The problem is that I really like the pistol, and on multiple occasions I've thought seriously about picking up a Mark III, but the pistol just has never fit well. I keep wondering if I should buy one anyway because it would be nice to have in the collection and then spend time trying to warm up to it, or if I should spend money on something I know I'll shoot better but that won't necessarily keep my interest.


New member
That's one of the main reasons a lot of people prefer 1911's over Glocks or vice versa.


New member
What Walt Sherill said.

Like the "oh wow " moment when I first put the grip of a Smith 40 M&P compact in my hand.

Like someone asked me to put my hand in a mold and built the grip just for me.

Or when I first picked up a Smith 60-15 Stainless 357 mag revolver in a gun shop.

Or when I saw a PT101 Taurus 40 smith semi auto in stainless steel without the laser rail on it on the interent and the next week there it was in the used gun case and I bought it.

Still wish I had that gun,what a BEAUTIFUL semi auto it was.

Felt really great shooting that gun.

Big monster that it was.

Sometimes it just feels right.


New member
I just somehow find the way it points and handles unimpressive...
I've shot only one and it didn't impress me either. Oh, it shot quite well, but it didn't seem to fit my hand like a 1911. I love the looks of them, but until I experimented with several different grips, I'd never buy one. Strange, that's what I felt about the SIG P-226; I always wanted one until I picked one up and it didn't fit my hand as well as even the Browning. As was said, not every gun is for everybody.


New member
I don't like glocks, that doesn't mean I am broken.
Everyones body, hands, muscles etc are all just a little different. What 99% of people love you might hate, thats not abnormal. If it feels right, it is right just remember that.


New member
Change the name of the thread, and it fits Glock, Springfield, or any other brand to a "T".

A person needs to test out several weapons to find the one that works for them. For me, a couple of 1911s, and a pair of XDs, along with a 1942 BHP, a Ruger Revolver and a .243 winchester along with a Model 12 and couple of .22s for the kids meet ALL my needs. For now, that is. Don't tell my wife...


New member
The lack of "a good feel", could just be unfamiliarity. After carrying my very heavy and unwieldy M1 Garand everyday for days at a time in Basic Training, it became light as a feather and felt as agile as a broom stick on the bayonet course. Change the grips to Pachmayer wrap-arounds, and shoot the heck out of it and you will adapt to it like thousands of military personal done with their guns. Browning HPs grip always felt too thick for my hands...until I bought one and handled it a it is just right.


New member
This is the true meaning of diversity, the plethora of fine handgun choices that practically ensures there is something out there for dang near everyone!


New member
I too like the looks of a HiPower, and I had one but it sat in the safe, so I finally sold it and bought one that I liked. Now I cant even remember what it was that I bought! :D
I love mine..I think it feels fine. Not many guns feel bad in my hands. Which are huge, only guns like the Ruger LCP .380 and such..Too small.

The browning is great :cool:


New member
Try the feel of an S&W M-39 (-2).
If that does not feel good, you must start looking for a revolver!



New member
I have autos and know of more that feel great in my hand. Usually there isn't anythiing that doesn't feel fine in my hand, but something about the High Power feels bland to me and I just don't get it. CZs feel great, 1911s feel great, I like Glocks and SIGs and all sorts of pistols with varying grip shapes, angles and sizes, yet the HP just doesn't do much for me other than sit there looking pretty. Oh well, I guess...

And I'm not a big revolver fan either :p

Walt Sherrill

New member
I feel the same way about 1911s -- and I've had several that were well-gunsmithed. I like the idea, but the experience doesn't do for me what it does for so many others...


New member
Am I broken?

See the glass as already broken.

Then you can get on with it and enjoy and use the glass.

I find that very subtle nuances can make a tremendous difference when picking up pistols or revolvers.

I prefer undercut trigger guards on 1911 frames. Small difference in physical frame, big difference in the "Oh, Wow!" factor; for me.

Likewise, different grips, mainspring housing shape, trigger length, poundage of trigger pull, etc... make a night and day difference.

Life is far too short to own guns that I don't enjoy shooting. BHPs have found themselves in my hand, but not for long. I do enjoy the "looks"/design, just don't enjoy the "fit"/feel.



New member
Craig Spegel thin grips make the HP feel very, very svelt.
Both my HP's wear them.
Kind of hard to find though - but - worth the search.

Due to the cost and trouble, you might want to try to find someone that has them on a HP and see if you can handle it - or shoot it.