am I a good brother or what?


New member
My brother bought an H&K USP 40 after he got out of the Marines about 15 years ago. He took me to the range once when we were in the same town introduced me to his baby.

What with one thing and another he eventually sold it.

Travelling for work, I got to visit and we got to talking about how he missed it. Note: he didn't talk about missing his ex wife or any ex girlfriends. Just his dogs and the USP.

Today I won an auction for the same model. After I get it professionally inspected, and give it my own amateur review at the range, he's going to have a nice x-mas.

Single Six

New member
Yes indeed, that's a very cool thing to do, and you are a good brother. I'm now strongly considering adopting you. ;)


New member
My Brother prefers baseball

am I a good brother or what?
I'm sure this is not the first time nor the last time that you will demonstrate how good of a brother you are. You folks raised you well. ... ;)

Be Safe !!!
My brother is a liberal ....


SA 1911 - XD45 - G21sf - G22 - G27 - Hk USP 40 - SIG P226 E2 - Browning High-Power - S&W M19-3 - CZ-82 - Remington 870


New member
Really is cooler to give than receive isn't it? Awesome.

I bet the next 3 1/2 months come as an eternity for you.

Wait, you aren't gonna wait are you? Heh heh.

bdb benzino

New member
For sure a good brother! I can tell you the next three months will definitely seem like an eternity. Earlier this summer I gave my dad a HD shotgun for his b- day/fathers day and I also could not wait to give it to him!! Good job.

Amin Parker

New member
Hi all,

I bought my brother a new cz75B, holster and ammo. He still carries it daily.

I also bought him a Beretta 84 and 71.

They funny thing is that he is not even a gun guy.


New member
Sorry about your brother, Constantin

3/4 of the boys in my family, including me and the marine, are liberals. The other one is just wrong... :D


New member
I think of myself as a good brother. But, I don't think I will be giving any guns away any time soon. I'm married with kids and both my brothers are single with no kids. Monetarily speaking, if there is a brother who should be giving another one a gun then my little brothers should be giving me guns. One brother is in the Air Force and is going to Germany in May so I will be babysitting his XDm9 while he is away. :D

He was talking about buying an AR off of a guy. But, I think he shelved those plans when he found out he was going. I am trying to provide encouragement to my buy the AR before he goes.... I promise I will keep it company while you are gone. :p

Seriously though, that is pretty cool of you to give it to him.


New member
I will be babysitting his XDm9 while he is away.
You know guns are like cars, right? You have to take them out and run them periodically or things start deteriorating. :D

Dave T

New member
I looked for over a year trying to find a used Glock 36 for a reasonable price (not retail or higher). I just wanted to play around with it to see if all the rumors about problems had any bases in fact. I finally found one, shot it enough to trust it and started to occasionally carry it.

Had my sister out for a practice session and since she has often said she wishes she had a 45 instead of the 9mm G19, I offered to let her shoot the G36. After 50 rounds of my handloads and two magazines of the carry load I had for it she said she wanted one. She just loved the thinner grip than the 19 and even better was the 45 caliber holes in the targets (LOL). When she said she wanted one and asked how hard it would be to find a used one I thought about the year long search I had had and up and gave it to her. She is thrilled and can't wait to get out the the range again.

Oh by the way...she'll be 71 in December! (smile)
