"Always" gun--J frame or Taurus?


New member
I'll be moving to a more carry friendly area soon, and I've been considering my options. This is all new to me, as all my guns are better suited to the range. Regardless of what I decide to do, I'll probably have a small revolver in a pocket holster at all time, either with or without a primary carry.

I'd like a S&W 642, but I've had some bad experiences with newer Smiths and if I get one it will be as old as possible. This is a problem. This requires me to put in a lot of time and effort into tracking down the exact gun I want. Or I could just get a Taurus M850 that's readily available virtually anywhere and pretty cheap to boot.

I have an S&W M14 that I love, and a 3-inch M64 on layaway. They were both about as cheap as a new Taurus would be, but I also had to keep an eye out for them for over a year, especially the 3-inch.

I know this is one of those insufferable "apples vs. oranges" threads, but if we could keep it practical and just let me know if there's any reason why I shouldn't just get a Taurus.


New member
I can't help you out much on the Taurus. I had a plain jane 85 years ago and it was okay, but just wasn't what I wanted and was traded off...

I will say that the 3 inch K frames are my personal favorite carry pieces. Get that bad boy out of lay-away and try carrying it around some and you might not want the J frame. I carry a model 65 IWB with a Clip Draw and you can't see a thing under just a T-shirt.

Let us know what you wind up doing...



New member
No question, the 642 is S&W's best selling revolver. If you buy a new one - and you even just marr the clearcoat finish - they will repair it. And... the call, the s/h both ways - all on them. My finally getting one earlier this year has resulted in my carrying regularly once again. My other CCW, a 296 5-shot .44 Special Airweight (kind of a 642 on steroids), was just too big. My 642 even sports the IL - which is not a problem - or deal killer - here. See the 130+ pages of the '642 Club' thread on 'The High Road' revolver forum for more 642 (& 442)-likers.



New member

Good thread. I am going through pretty much the same thought process myself. Current Smiths are off my list, and the old ones are in hiding here locally at the moment.

The Ruger SP-101 is a great snub but not w/o QC problems either, and not amenable to pocket carry unless you're Captian Kangaroo.

I've never been a big Taurus fan, probably because I'm friends with a couple of FFL dealers who have sent several back before they made it to the display case. Still, when you get a good one they are decent snubs, and fair shooters.

I'm actually giving Charter Arms a second look at the moment. I've got about 16 years as a LE/FTO under my belt, and I've seen a lot of Charter Undercovers on my ranges during that time. They all shot well enough for intended purposes and I can't recall any of them failing to fire when the trigger was pulled.
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New member
I swear by my Taurus 605 snub. It' my steady ccw along with my 9mm milpro. If you've got the heebeejeebees about purchasing one, get one from a reputable dealer that will take care of any problems, or get one from davidsons with their warranty. They claim to just send you a replacement if it ever fails. I don't know how true this is, nor do I know anyone who has had to use it, but that might be a good idea for a thread:)


New member
smith fan

I know a little about ccw and various makes, calibers. I've tried a few different combos. Started w/ a Colt anaconda 8" and shoulder rig.Are y'all laughing yet? Settled on my old mod 60 3"smith as a sidekick. Shot it a lot and never had a problem. But recently came by a 642 smith and reitired my old mod 60. I love the light weight, dehorned shape and finish. I HATE the tiny grip and big whoom (as in elephent fart)every time a factory load 38+p gets popped. Still I carry it in pocket, waist band, coat or where ever and no problemo yet. I'm not very much of a threat beyond 7 yards but I guess thats enough.


New member
There are a number of j frame Smiths that would fit the bill. My current one is the 3" model 60. Some say the 3 " version tips the scale of being too large for ccw, but for me it works fine. The small 5 shot j frames would work very well for your intended uses. I also don't have experience with Taurus. jben


Ok, if you're going to hit every possible thread with this tired, old, myth, prove it. Let's see a citation, with proof, that "Brazilian Steel" is somehow worse than American Steel. Springfield Armory uses frames forges in Brazil, as well as slides. Several other South American manufacturers also use various parts forged in Brazil, as well. Many of these are imported here, to good reviews.

It's time to either PROVE what you constantly post, or quietly fold the tent and move away.


New member
I own both a tarus and a smith. I would say the smith is a tad more sexy. But as far as shooting +p,I shoot it in both. Both are good revolvers! I trust both!

Mark Milton

For years I carried a Smith model 60 in .357 with stainless finish...
There was stuff I did not like about it.
For one thing, the hammer and trigger had color case hardened finish which had to be kept oiled to keep from rustin....
For the other, the hammer was about like a fishhook when it came to snagging on clothing.....
Also, like a lot of traditional DAs the yoke/crane/frame alignment loosened up with carry and training.....
I replaced it with a Taurus CIA that was a better choice for me.
The Taurus has a chromed trigger and spurless hammer. And best of all, it has a ball bearing lock up detent on the yoke better than the old way of locking up on the ejector rod.......
The only problem I have with my Taurus is that it won't fit in some of my smith holsters due to the slab sided barrel configuration. Other than that, I am pretty happy with it....
It also came with better grips for CCW than the Smith, which I went through numerous aftermarkets grips on....