Alum Blazer ammo?


New member
Just fine in anything I've ever used it in... and reasonably accurate. That's one subjective opinion though... so wait awhile, I'm sure someone will have had issues with it.

I have used several cases of it in 9 mm. Works fine for the range. It is good plinking ammo. The primers are on the hard side if you shoot a pistol with a lighter then stock hammer spring. I have one .45 that doesn't care for them. The case doesn't expand fast enough and occasionally some unburned powder gets on my forarm. It still works when it does that. You can't really reload them. The cases will work for making nice dummy rounds.


New member
Works in all my guns,semi or not,.380,9mm,45acp,38spl.
Who ever says it does'nt or leaves aluminum flakes in their
guns are full of it or little Nancy complainers or their weapons
are the issue lol

Walt Sherrill

New member
I've used it in many guns, without problems -- but have met a few folks who have issues with it in their guns. *(But that's true of WWB,too.)

I use it, or Georgia Arms "Canned Heat" almost exclusively -- about the only other thing I use is Sellier & Bellot.


New member
Worked great in .40

Rangemaster came over to check it out to make sure it was legit when I was loading up mags. He gave it thumbs up / all clear for use.


New member
The only pistol that I've shot that had issues with Blazer aluminum, was my CZ-85B. It had a lot of FTE malfunctions with it.

It has run well in every other pistol I've used it in. I noticed that it is clean ammo as well.


New member
It goes bang. Every time. Even ran a box of .38 special through my Smith Model 10-5.

Talk about a tack driver, I actually DID hit the tack at 21 feet.

But it took me 4 shots.


New member
Agree with the other two posters about the CZ. One of the CZ-75Bs I used to own would stovepipe when fired with Blazer ammo. Otherwise, it seems fine in other pistols.