altitude charts


New member
Does anybody know where to find any info on how much to adjust for altitude variations. The rifle i'm working on will be sighed in at 3500 feet, however will be doing its elk killing between 8 and 10,000 feet. The obvious answer is to check the zero at this elevation, however thats not always possible or practical for me, I was hoping for a ballistic chart of some kind that compensated for elevation, any ideas?


New member
I don't know that I would use a lot of sleep over it. I don't know how far you shoot when hunting but to give you an example;

My 270 Model 70 Win fires a 150 grn bullet at 2883 fps. sighted in at 250 yards:

At 300 yards it drops:

@ 3500 ft, it drops 4.08 in
@ 10,000 ft it drops 3.72 in.

I don't think the elk cares if you are 1/4 off.

But if you will give me your Bullet BC, weight, velocity and sight in range, and max range you expect to hunt I'll try to come up with the numbers for you.


New member
Thanks for both of your replies! Kraigwy- I understand a couple of inches one way or the other is not a big deal, however I have the reloading addiction and would like to know as much about the different variables that affect my rounds as I can. I probably cant shoot good enough to make that little of a difference in the alltitude change to count. But it's still interesting to me to know. I'm going to be loading a 300 ultra mag with a 180 gr. Hornady interbond around 3200 fps. zeroed at 200 yds. B.C. .480



New member
Kraigwy- I understand a couple of inches one way or the other is not a big deal, But it's still interesting to me to know. I'm going to be loading a 300 ultra mag with a 180 gr. Hornady interbond around 3200 fps. zeroed at 200 yds. B.C. .480

I dont know if you found on of those Bal. tables listed, so I'll post your info from mine. This is based on the info you presented. (drop is in inches)

300 yds 400 yds 500 yds
3500 ft drop 6.38 17.45 33.69
10,000 Ft drop 5.96 16.46 31.77