Alright Glock guys, I'm in...


New member
Went to our local Friends of the NRA banquet last night and got lucky and won a Remington 700 SPS in 300 Win Mag (ouch!) Went into the local GS to take delivery today and ended up trading even for a G26 that I've been pining over for some time now (almost went with the 19...). I had to endure the wrath of my 13 yr. old son, who went to the banquet with me (he felt he had 1/2 ownership on the rifle and, had bragged all over school to all his buddies).

I took him by the gun store and showed him a 243 round, which he hunts with in a Remington Model Seven Youth, a 270 and the 300 Win Mag rounds, all next to each other. The GS owner helped me out by explaining that he might need his shoulder put back in place after firing the 300 Win Mag.

I assured him that any gun I own is his also and, tell his buddies that his dad traded for a GLOCK! He's shot my Ruger P89 once about a year ago but I think he's ready to be introduced to safe and enjoyable pistol shooting.

All is well in the world, at least tonight it is for me:)


New member
Thats fantastic! I know you're proud. I cant wait until my son is old enough to hunt and shoot pistols with his old man :D


New member
Congrats, Glocks are excellent guns, and the g26 is one of the made a good choice, I bet junior loves it...for some great Glock videos, check out Hickok45 on youtube, he goes with Glocks like peanut butter and jelly


New member
Eeew, you traded for a glock?????

I mean, why in the world would someone want a pistol with a small learning curve and a high degree of reliability to teach a young man how to shoot...Thats like teaching him how to drive in a nice new automatic pickup...wheres the fun in that??

And THEN to compound the issue, you can use the same gun for home defense and range plinking........there goes being able to tell the wife that you need SEPERATE tools for such things (like bread knives and butter knives...)

And No, I dont and have never owned a glock...I just cant dispute that they are great pistols, they just dont suit me personally...:D


New member
And THEN to compound the issue, you can use the same gun for home defense and range plinking........there goes being able to tell the wife that you need SEPERATE tools for such things (like bread knives and butter knives...)

Don't forget paring knives, skinning knives, whittling knives, pocket knives, belt knives, neck knives...

I've refined my "need" for firearms over the years. Each has it's purpose for purchase, no matter how miniscule it may be.




New member
Yes , isnt it amazing, that the more firearms one adds to the battery, the more we find out we need...I only needed a .22, a pistol a rifle and a shotgun...then when I was able to aquire one of each, the categories were broken down further (i.e. "well, you see darling THIS .45 is great for cold weather months, but since WE decided its a good thing I carry ALL the time, this 9mm would be much better for warm weather, its smaller and more lightweight than either of the other 9mms.......")

C'mon, we all been there


New member
Welcome to the ugly gun that you'll love to hate club! Ive got several that I love to hate, and they always eat what ever theyre fed.


New member
I was able to fit in a short range session on my land today. 120 rounds of Blazer 115gr FMJ with no issues. Imagine that out of a Glock;) Now I have two boringly reliable pistols, my G26 and Ruger P89:).

And MonsterB, I'm a big fan of Hickok45. He's an amazing shot and I like his attitude and personality. As he says quite often, "life is good".


New member
Te Anau: said:
Give it a couple of years,you'll come to your senses.:p

Exactly, he will have 3 or 4 Glocks by then and realize they are the most dependable handgun on the market.:)