Alright finally did my taxes and am looking for

The Body Bagger

New member
A 629 V comp preferably the 6" model. Anyone have one that they want to depart with? Can someone at least post a picture then.........


New member
617 4" 6 shooter not available?

Well I'll be damned. Here I am seriously considering a Model 617 4" 6 shooter and I go to the S&W website to check it out and discover, at least according to their website, that there is no such animal. They only list the six shooter now in 6". Or am I missing something here? Was a 617 4" 6 shooter EVER available or was it never even manufactured? Thanks. Fleiger

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Well - -

You might have more luck in rewriting this entry and posting it in the Buy, Sell and Trade: Handguns forum as something like, WTB: S&W M629 V-Comp.
