Almost walked out of the movie theater


New member

I went to see Transporter 2 this weekend. The previews start rolling.
(Shot of all kinds of spent brass on the ground) "There are over 2 billion firearms in circulation today. That's enough to arm over one third of the world's population." Crap, more anti-gun propaganda... Do I leave now, or watch my movie?? Cut to Nicholas Cage. Yup, typical movie actor. I'm not paying for you to voice your opinions, I want to be entertained!!!!!!

Cage, "My job is to figure out how to get guns to that other two thirds."

Huh... What?!? An actual movie.... about an arms dealer??? :eek: Looks like something fun to watch.... Wait there's got to be a catch, some sort of subliminal anti-gun message.

Has anybody else seen the preview of "The Lord of War" ???
What are your opinions on the movie? Has Nick Cage shown an anti-gun bias in the past?

-a thoroughly confused Kilroy was there


New member
Saw a preview on one or another or those 'Hollywood, Stars, and the Rich 24/7' type channels, forgot which. Dunno if they're gonna mean it as an anti-gun flick, or if, as I'm hoping, it's just another two hours wasted watching mindless killing with a plot you can sum up in a well-written paragraph.

It definately made me wonder what kind of message sheeple might get watching it though...


I watched an online trailer of that movie, and I think it looks bound to be stupid. I think also that it will probably make guns/gun owners look bad, like they're "the problem" (as opposed to governments making situations within their societies utterly untenable being the problem).

Did I get the correct sense, from the trailer, that Nicholas Cage's character is going to get made to feel bad about being what he is, and doing what he does? It seems like some bang-you-over-the-head morality lesson in the making.

Come ON, people. It's a Nicholas Cage HOLLYWOOD MOVIE. You're actually allowing yourselves to wonder if it's going to have a PRO-GUN MESSAGE?! :rolleyes:

Get real.



New member
Saw the preview at another movie yesterday. I have to admit, when he's stopped by a ATF agent Cage's response made me laugh.

"I'm going to guess you're not here about the alcohol or tobacco."


New member
I saw the internet trailer. It looks like it might be good. I'll wait for the reviews, and maybe see it after it comes out on DVD.


New member
That movie looks like its going to be great! I love that line in the preview:

Agent: We're from the Bureau of Alcahol, Tobacco and Firearms.
Cage: Let me guess, this isn't about the Alcahol and Tobacco?

Can't wait.

The Trasporter was pretty good too though.


New member
the quote is: there are over 550 million firearms in the world. one for every twelve people. the qustion is how do we arm the other eleven
I don't know about Cage showing an anti-gun bias, but I do know for a fact that he shows a decidedly anti-intelligence bias.

The man's dumber than a box of really stupid rocks.


New member
cage is one of the most talentless people ever in hollywood. uglier than a bucktoothed, wait, i better not finish that. :barf:


New member
I think the movie is worth going to see. It seems kinda interesting. I could care less what actor is in it. There's a bunch of guns, and that's enough to catch my interests.