All this talk about Taurus, here is mine


New member
I picked it up about 3 hours ago. Now I sit at work eager to get to the range about 2 minutes from my house.



New member
Thanks. I just got back from the range. OMG! After shooting my XD-9, this thing was difficult to control. I started with Fiochi 157 gr .38 special. It wasn't terrible, but every shot was sharp and uncomfortable. DA was hard to keep in the 10 ring from 7 yards. SA, I was a little more accurate. I then moved up to a bag of .357 from the range. I dont know the specs of the ammo, but it was, like you said, a dragon! It was loud with fire coming out the sides, and uncomfortable to shoot. I only shot about 30 rounds of the .357. The rest of the ammo I shot through a rented GP-100 5" and it was smooth as butter.

I bought the gun for HD and I hope I never have to use it. In fact, I doubt I will be shooting this little monster for fun anytime soon. I will leave that for my XD-9 and its other friends.

By the way, I got a Galco Cop Special holster.


New member
Welcome to the club!

It looks like a model 605, Nes Pas? If so, I'm sure you will enjoy it! A suggestion: Go over to the Taurus talk forum on MSN groups. There is a world of info on that gun that should help you out a lot. I love mine.
I had two issues: I took off the boot grips and put on combat grips. That helped a lot with the double action shooting and comfort level of the gun. They are very cheap from Taurus.
My second issue was light strikes after about 600 rounds or so. The smith put a heavier 12lb spring in which he claims will take care of that. Haven't tried it yet, but I will soon. Let you all know how that one works out.
Enjoy your new acquisition. :D :D :D