All things being equal...


New member
including the price.

Springfield Loaded 1911 or S&W 1911?

Only asking about these two, don't need any opinions about Kimbers, STI's, Dan Wesson's, SIG's, Les Baer's, Colt's, Taurus, or any other I can't think of at this particular moment.

Choosing between the two to save my money for. Looking for actual experience with one or the other.

Thank, guys.

bdb benzino

New member
I bought a used SA Loaded 1911 about a year ago and I absolutely love it, Although I have no experience with S&W, I would imagine that both are awsome pistols. To me it would come down to what features they had and how thet felt in hand. Both have awsome customer service as well. Good luck:D

Officer's Match

New member
Out of the box I suspect the SW might have a slight performance edge, but the Springer is more "standard" 1911 (internal extractor), and would be my choice.


New member
Had a S&W 1911 briefly. Discovered it had a "step" machined into the breechface. Returned it immediately. Nice gun, but very sharp edges EVERYWHERE. They obviously hadn't bother to "melt" any of the machined edges.


New member
i have the SF loaded and luv it . had it for about 5 mths now. it'll shoot whatever i feed it and its accurate to boot. just my .02 worth.:D

Terry A

New member
The Springfield for me. This company has seemingly mastered the art of producing quality .45s because I can't remember anyone having one who was not satisfied with it.

I've shot but do not own the Loaded as well as the Operator and both are slick.
I have handled the S&W 1911 but have never fired one. I don't care for how they look but I realize that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I also like the fact that SA has been producing 1911 models far longer than S&W has.