All these here hog threads got me hungry


New member
So I went down to Bills Bar B Que on 24th and Ames and had a slab yesturday and a 1/2 slab today....

Going to cook up a case of featherbones Sunday.

I really need to go shoot something but it is Nebraska hunting this weekend on turkeys and I am not shooting. Just helping out :)

We have a natural funel them turkeys use to get from one field to another. We have a grond blind there for 30 years now, get deer and turkeys right there. My brother is shooting I do Iowa.

Good luck everyone.

I also smoke turkeys.


New member
Cruel, so cruel.

I've reported your post as violating forum rule #45, subparagraph 6, section 9.5, Teasing forum members and unnecessary cruelness.

I hope you get the punishment you so richly deserve!



New member
i actually had someone show up to collect free pigs this week

There is a brand of dog food out that uses hog meat as its main staple, maybe you can turn this into some good cash? sell them corpses to the dog food company and everyone can be happy.

My in laws are driving up from Harlengin next week, want them to stop by and bring me a hog? :) well probably not this time.

I would drop by for one if I lived closer to you. and bring goodies. but alas I only get the pen raised,

them ribs were soooo good.


New member
Hog threads have me yearning for more "Bacon"......



New member
Hog threads have me yearning for a place to hunt them that doesn't want to charge me an arm & a leg.

I feel the same way about charging a ham and a hock to shoot a pest. Then I thought I'd trade a pheasant hunt for a hog hunt but decided against it after some of what I'd read. Pheasant hunting might not be so great around here this coming season after this winter and all the CRP that's gone out.


New member
well if a fella truly has a hog problem sometimes there not much hunting to it.......just show up when the hogs do....or put the trap where the hogs show up and, SHAZAMM! you will have a pig...gets trickier after they've been pressured but I have started to learn that they fall back into old habits quickly.


New member
So far as I know there are no wild hogs in SD. One of my neighbors has what some might refer to as "free range" hogs. The sheriff has been called numerous times with no luck. This guy has been charged with all sorts of stuff but still does pretty much what he pleases. It's a good thing he lives about 2 miles away because his place also looks like the county landfill. Anyway his hogs run free, do damage to crops and occasionally get shot by his irate neighbors. That's about as close to wild hogs as I get. A couple of years ago I was done pheasant hunting too quick so decided to take the scenic route home. By scenic route I mean a 4 or 5 mile drive around the block because I was less than a mile from the house. One place is state land. While I was driving by there a fellow steps out of some standing sunflowers, wildlife feed, and waves me down. The first thing out of his mouth was, "Who owns all these hogs?" I told him the guy a mile to the West does and if he feels threatened he best shoot the animal that scared him. No one would say anything anyway so there wasn't going to be a problem. The guy told me he wasn't going to shoot anyone's property so I countered, "With animal ownership comes certain responsibilities such as taking care of them and making sure they weren't a pest to everyone else along with paying for any damage they did. If one scared or went for you have all the right in the world to defend yourself!" He left, I don't think ever came back.


New member
Navin R. Johnson: "He hates these cans!!!! Stay away from the cans!!!!"

I always liked that guy :) I'm somebody, I'm in the phone book...

Well had to go and get some more ribs today, a 7 bone spare ribs is 9.00 and he gives ya 8. Best ribs I had in a long time.

But in the worst part of town possible. :) my co workers are just starting to come wit hme, must think they will be safe with me :) LOL I take em cause I can out run em :)