All the children are back home and tucked into bed


New member
I got back from vacation last Friday but have been without most of my guns since then. I took the precaution of stashing them at my buddy's house for safekeeping. Luckily, nobody broke into my house so the precaution was not truely needed. Still, better safe than sorry ( a guy a few miles away was robbed in broad daylight a few days ago - thieves carried away a 700lb safe holding 23 firearms).

After work, I drove over to his house to retrieve my babies. Nice having them all back home again. I was feeling kind of lonely.

Single Six

New member
That thing about the gun safe being taken is pretty depressing. It's a reminder that most thieves are too worthless to get a job and work for what they want, but are all too happy to put much effort into taking our stuff.


New member
Single Six you are right - lots of lowlifes around. I can't help but wonder about that particular theft. The average smash-and-grab thief won't have the capability to move a 700lb safe. That is something that requires some serious planning. The only way to plan for that is to know it is there in the first place.

Either the thief had been in the house as an invited guest. Or, they had broken in before, seen the safe, and came back a 2nd time prepared to move it.

Single Six

New member
Doyle: I hadn't even thought of that, but you make a very good point. I guess it just proves that even a safe won't stop a determined thief. Sad, huh?


New member
how much did you have to pay the moving company to get your collection home? hahahaha

Unfortunately, my entire collection will fit inside the trunk of a car. Maybe some day I'll have the means to rectify that injustice.