All I want for Christmas is a .22 - Great article!


New member
That is an excellent article about the way many of us feel about kids and guns. It's too bad there aren't more like it. The best point it makes is how guns show children that they can be incrementally trusted, and therefore they learn to act responsibly. It's the kids who aren't entrusted with firearms, but who sneak them behind their parents back, who we should be worried about.

I received most of my guns as Xmas presents between the ages of 9 or so and 18, and I'm sure they are the only things I still have from those holidays. Now I'm almost thirty, and I think my mom is going to get me a .22 pistol this year. Here's to guns at Xmas, and responsible, loving parents.


New member
There is a place to vote it as a good article at the bottom. If we get it into the top 10, it will be seen by more people.

Jim V

New member
It has fallen to 9th place with a score of 6.03, IIRC.

The WSJ hd had several pro gun articles as of late. Howerer, MSNBC carrying the story. The wonder of it all.

In the words of Mayor Daly of Chicago, the first one, "Vote early, vote often."