Alert! New Method of Email Spam

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
This note is a warning to all members of TFL, or any other website that uses vBulletin software.

I received some spam via email the other day. Nothing new in that, right?

It is when the sender used my Firing Line email addy as the receiver. This was a first!

If you were to go and look at your User CP and click on the Profile Privacy (left hand area), you will see, as the first displayed set of options, a box called Display Options.

You should see three options with drop down boxes.

Mine are now set to "Registered Members," it was set to "Everyone." Note that after you make the change(s), you must click on the "Save" box to make the effect active.

What seems to have happened, is that for whatever known reason, the developers of vBulletin had set the default set to "Everyone" (in one of the previous upgrades). This allows anyone, registered or not, to see my contact email. That includes the many spam bots that are out there!

We don't know which of the previous version upgrades this became the default, so we don't know how long it's been in effect.

Tyme has fixed the code and "Registered Members" is now the default. But this will only affect new members as they register. If you don't like spammail, I highly recommend everyone who reads this to change your settings to "Registered Members" only!

That will at least stop unregistered spammers from grabbing your listed email.


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New member
I have a "spam" email account that almost every website wanting an email gets (including this one). Only friends and important businesses (such as my bank) get my real address.

Once in awhile I'll even check my spam email account, and am quickly reminded why I have it.


New member
vBulletin is ubiquitous. :mad:

I just changed my settings on about 6 gun forums, 3 car forums, and a couple of others. I would rather have spent the time reading a new book, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Thanks for the info!


New member
Too late for me,my email address has already been hijacked and is being used to bombard sites in Russia,the U.K. and Etrade in the U.S. for some odd reason.

Amazing the personal information that is coming back to me in the undelivered email notices.

Etrade had been notified as has my cable internet provider as well as the few sites I care to tell about it.

Thanks for the warning though.


New member
Thank you for the information. I suggest that you include that information to those who enter without the members only option selected. I'm just guessing it can be automated. I ain't no geek :eek: