ALERT-Assault Weapons Ban 2 is here!!!!


New member
As some of you know, H.R. 218 WAS passed in the house on June 23. This bill allows retired law enforcement officers to carry their CCW to any state under the flag. This bill has tremendous support in the Senate as well.
If the rider for AWB2 is allowed to be plunked into this piece of legislation it's over.

Its totally over, completely burried, a done deal.

10 more years.

It has 70 co sponsors in the Senate, and this peice of legislation WILL PASS. We must concentrate our efforts at blocking any riders attached to this bill. If AWB2 is attached succesfully, its all over. George Bush will sign this into law and gun owners will be yet again slapped in the face.

It is of absolute necessity that you call your Senators TODAY.


Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
Similar bill in the House: HR218.
Calls made and letters sent to both Senators and Reps.

Arizona TFL members: Our Senators contact info is:
Senator Jon Kyl
730 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-4521

Senator John Mccain,
241 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-2235

Moving this to L&P.



New member
Even if it isn't killed in the Senate it has to go to a joint committee if they tack an amendment on to it, right?

I wonder if at this point emails and faxes get more mileage than regular mail, because of the screening for biologicals and all that.

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
I had the chance to talk with an aid. He told me our Congress-critters rate feedback from their constituents as follows:
Letters: Takes time to write and the time to mail. They take letters the most seriously.
Faxes and phone calls: about equal.
Emails: Basically considered junk mail due to the small amount of effort it takes.

I write and follow it up with a call to both the Reps DC and home office.



New member
Please fellas, stop the madness...

"AWB2" (whatever the heck that is) was NOT attached to the cop CCW bill (S.253). It left the house on March 26th of last year. No riders.


The original post was wrong. H.R. 218 is what just passed. Please, if you post about this stuff, get the bill right; otherwise, members send in emails, faxes, and letters with the wrong bill on it, and some staff aids may not figure things out and connect the sentiment with the current bill.

Over on THR someone referenced it as s.218, which is also wrong. :( Of course, denny was right, as usual.


New member
My letter to my Senators on cop ccw

You will soon consider a law to allow police officers to carry guns off duty nationwide. I am against this law unless you are going to allow law abiding citizens the same priveledge. What happened to equal protection under the law? Is a cops life worth more than mine? I suppose it may be since these "protectors" will usually do whatever you (the politicians) tell them to do. I am sick of the double standards that are allowed by our so called leaders.

Again, unless I can carry, I don't want cops carrying. My life is just as valuable, to me and my family anyway. By the way if you have time this session, maybe you can vote yourself another raise at my expense.

My name.

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus

I'm in complete agreement with you in principal. Actually, even though I have CCW permits in several states and teach Arizona CCW courses, I'm against having to obtain a piece of paper to carry a firearm when a much more important paper gives me the inalienable right.

Nevertheless, we must be realistic and accept the fact that, at least for now, this is the way things are. A national carry for cops may lead to a national carry law for all of us (no, I'm not holding my breath).

I've been in this fight since I turned fourteen in 1968, and know I will be serving the cause for the rest of my life. Any step we take to turn back the anti-gunners, even a baby step, is a good one, IMO.



New member
As admirable as your continuing efforts are, Denny; your conclusion, IMHO, is wrong.
It's actually just another concession in the face of principled confrontation.
There is, as you've noted, NO point in holding your breath; this misstep on the slippery slope is another irrevocable error........diminishing our collective support isolates us in our endeavor; a counter-productive result. :(


New member
I have read these bills (HR 218, and S. 253), and can find no wording which would extend the AWB. There is a provision that would exempt the officers in question from carrying machine guns, firearm silencers, and destructive devices; but nothing is said about the AWB. Maybe I am not looking in the right place. :confused:

If anyone wants to go to the US House of Representatives site(, or the U.S. Senate site ( you might do better. I will note that S. 253 is recorded in the Senate as identical to HR 218. Is there another Senate bill addressing the same issue with an AWB extension riding along?

As to the question of the validity of the main point of the law, I don't care much for any legislation that that furthers the legal establishment of a separate class. And make no mistake, giving LEOs special privileges does just that. It was the same belief in a need for a "protector class" that gave rise to aristocracy in days of old. our enlightened forefathers knew that no man should need a coat of arms (or a badge) to bear arms. When people are given such exclusive powers, the tendency is to secure and further those entitlements. They begin to see themselves as different and superior. It is an inevitable human reaction. On their website dedicated to HR 218 (, The Law Enforcement Alliance of America claims that they opposed and defeated several provisions in the bill, including the following:

"An amendment that would have added language banning officers from carrying "concealed hand grenades and bombs" and "assault weapons". (The grenade and bomb exception can be dismissed as the crazy ramblings of someone with a deranged view of America's law enforcement officers, the "assault weapon" language could be construed as an effort to ban the so-called "high capacity" magazines found in most police issued side arms)"

Read that again. If prohibiting LEOs from carrying "concealed hand grenades and bombs" and "assault weapons" constitutes "the crazy ramblings of someone with a deranged view of America's law enforcement officers," what is to be made of these same prohibitions as they effect law abiding citizens? Does The Law Enforcement Alliance of America oppose these restrictions of our Rights? Or just theirs? Too many LEO organizations have an "us and them" mentality in regards to the civilian population. When these organizations find a friendly ear in Congress these sorts of laws are the result. For example: in the past year, my own State of Michigan, like a lot of States, passed a law requiring motorists to slow down to 45 mph or move over a lane when they encounter a police car with it's gum balls flashing. Sounds reasonable doesn't it? It's not. The bill said nothing about fire trucks or ambulances or tow trucks. Are the lives of the men and women in these vehicles worth nothing? For that matter, what about your run-of-the mill motorist with a flat tire? When police agencies champion bills like this, they are saying "police officers are a cut above normal people and deserve special protection." With all due respect to LEOs everywhere, and to the important work you do, I have to disagree. The State's police powers originate from the State's obligation to protect The People's rights. Many restrictions have been placed on The People "to make it easier for cops to do their job." This is an insidious motive. When you relieve me of my rights, in order to aid you in protecting my rights, you serve only to erode my rights. And this is no good service.


New member
As I recall most city pd's require officers to carry off duty,and has for many years.the city required us ( people ) to get a carry/register permit.I did that in1964,just 2 weeks latter I was held up to his suprise I pulled model 15.
But to get back the bills If all honest citezen carried guess what crime would drop.

Be of good cheer :)

Hugh Damright

New member
How did the feds get jurisdiction over CCW? If they make a national law that retired cops can carry guns, it will evolve into a national law that only retired cops can carry guns. The feds cannot be trusted anywhere near such powers!


These "riders" are a legislative abomination and should never have been permitted past or present.

If this is the case with the subject - a sweetner for a preferred class of private citizen and screw everyone else - it would be very typical and come as no surprize to me personally.