Alchemy Arms SPECTRE


New member
Yep, looks like one day somebody was sitting around and said:

"Somebody needs to make a mix between a Glock and a 1911"

Then they went out and did it.


New member

Alchemy made after market goodies for the glock before they made the Spectre. The designer brought a couple of the prototypesby a friends gunshop
for a "man on the street(read range)" type scenario. they were great to shoot and feed anything we could put thru them and accurate like a Glock. My friend who hated Glocks but had very few to sell(he would go to the extreme o getting a salesman to take care of Glock customer) said this was the gun Glock wished they had made. I stayed out of that. He ordered some and when they came in 6 months later were gone in 1 hour.


New member
I live in the next town over from where they were made. Nothing to write home about in my opinion. I prefer my Glocks without a beavertail and additional safeties. I was offered the gun for purchase and passed. I'd rather have a Glock. The only reason I would have purchased this would have been as a relic to throw in the safe and look at every blue moon.


New member
That really is the most hideous looking firearm I may have ever seen. And what's up with the beavertail? Pretty extreme for a hammerless pistol.


New member
Looks like a Glock, a 1911, and a Hi-Point got drunk one night and got each other pregnant.:barf:

The end result does not appeal to me in any way. :barf: But I'd be curious to know how they shoot.


Active member
Although I'm not crazy about the beaver tail safety, I am intrigued by the fact that it appears to be a true single action semi-auto, but with a striker instead of a hammer.

How does the trigger feel? If the trigger feels like a true 1911 I would consider this a great improvement over the Glock trigger.


New member

I kinda like it :D It is on the ugly side but it is diffrent and I have no urge to collect a load of same old same old guns. I see guys with 20-30 glocks 1911s,revolvers that are all almost the same thing. Just want something out of the norm and if it happens to function well and is inexpensive to boot thats great.

Than you all for the input. I may pick it up. Also saw a hard chromed AR-24 that I like so maybe I'll get that.


New member
My concern with buying it was parts breakage. I don't recall the trigger being anything special, not like a 1911. There were other things I didn't like about it when I shot and held it, but I can't recall at the moment. All I know is that I passed on it for $500. I didn't feel impressed enough to even offer $300.