Alaska's State Gun


New member
Utah wants to make the M-1911 as its state gun.

Now a law is introduced in Alaska to make the pre '64 Model 70 Winchester in 30-06 as its state gun. Excellent choice in my opinion. With 22 years living and hunting in Alaska I think its a good choice. I'd like to see Wyoming pick the Model 70 only in 270 for our state gun.

Sen. Charlie Huggins' bill would reserve that title for the pre-1964 Winchester Model 70 .30-06 caliber rifle.

Huggins says the rifle played a key role in settling country and was used by hunters, trappers, Alaska Natives and pioneers during Alaska's formative years. He says the Model 70 is also well-built and reliable, and he says it carries enough "stopping power" to be useful in a crisis situation.


New member
Now a law is introduced in Alaska to make the pre '64 Model 70 Winchester in 30-06 as its state gun. Excellent choice in my opinion. With 22 years living and hunting in Alaska I think its a good choice. I'd like to see Wyoming pick the Model 70 only in 270 for our state gun.

I love mine! Great choice for Alaska's state rifle but what about the Ruger Alaskan in .454 Casull for the state revolver?!!


New member
California has selected the turkey baster for theirs. Hawaii is torqued. they wanted it and will now have to settle for a gravy boat.:D


New member
LOL at Clay :D

I see the wisdom of the OP post. However, since Utah picked the 1911 as a tribute to John Browning, maybe we in Wyoming should pick the Freedom Arms model 83 to honor our local gun manufacturer. Caliber should be .454 Casull since that was the model/caliber that really got them recognized by the masses.

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
California has selected the turkey baster for theirs.

[smirk] Oh. I guess I assumed it would be a syringe filled with heroin. [/smirk]

...maybe we in Wyoming should pick the Freedom Arms model 83 to honor our local gun manufacturer. Caliber should be .454 Casull since that was the model/caliber that really got them recognized by the masses.

I can see that happening; what's more, I think it's a great idea.

Paul K

New member
Does anyone else think that this whole "States Adopting Guns" thing is FREAKING AWESOME!!?? All the states should be doing this...


Alaskas state gun has to be rusty and have its stock held together by duct tape

WildsoitsauthenticAlaska ™©2002-2011


So you've been getting your used guns from the Natives have you?


Don't forget Remington sights on Winchesters and vice versa

WildandthetriggerguardbrokenoffforfasteracessAlaska ™©2002-2011


New member

"Broken off"? I will have you know that that is a fine high end custom addition! I just pull on my Mini 14's trigger guard good and hard and, opps...

And duct tape is not only your grandfather's duct tape color...

What about for AK state gun:

The Glocksicle?

The Freezedom Arms?

The Cold between 19 and -11?

The Ruger Minus 2

And for the state ammo:

The snowball?

Hey, I am still riding my snowgo out to the range from my front door and digging for brass in the snow; you know the drill, hot brass hits snow, melts hole, refreezes as brass encased in ice buried in snow.


New member
The recent Alaska Trooper program - the trooper had a stainless Marlin Guide Gun , 45-70, an excellent 'state gun ' for Alaska !


New member
If state politicians have nothing better to do than select state insects or state dinosaurs, why not pick a state firearm? I mean, this is serious stuff that really affects us. All I can suggest is picking whatever gun produces the most smoke.


New member
I use to know a guy who would travel the west coast of Alaska buying up all their "used" (abused) guns. Some real winners.

He sold me 6 model 70 Actions for a total price of $225. Hard to screw up a Model 70 action. I made some dern good guns including my 300 WM 1000 yard match gun which is a single shot.

I wish I'd kept in contact with him, I could use some more actions.

I remember I use to travel the rivers a lot, (Tanana, Souix, Chena, etc.) I met a lot of old trappers 'n such living in seclusion. Seemed they always had a Model 70 and some sort of old 22 rifle. Not many pistols. These old sourdoughs didn't seem to have much use for pistols or revolvers. A fet 270s but mostly '06s.

Natives seemed to go for smaller cartridges, 222 Rems were popular but that started changing because the could get guard ammo in 5.56. I laugh everytime I see the "Can't shoot 5.56 in 223 gun" post. It'd break their hearts if some one told the Natives they couldn't do it.


I laugh everytime I see the "Can't shoot 5.56 in 223 gun" post. It'd break their hearts if some one told the Natives they couldn't do it.

Hell it would break their hearts if they couldnt hunt polar bear with .223 ;)

WildandmanyofthemdoAlaska ™©2002-2011


New member
I cant think of a better rifle to hold such an honor. While there are some great guns out there the Winchester model 70 in pre-64 manufacture in the classic 30-06 is Alaska. Now add a pre war Colt Woodsman 22 pistol and you will have the ultimate tribute to the Alaskan outdoorsman of the past.


New member
Does anyone else think that this whole "States Adopting Guns" thing is FREAKING AWESOME!!?? All the states should be doing this...
I like it, but you'll never see that here in Maryland. These liberals are too busy figuring out how to get rid of all the guns.


New member
I claim the locally produced Barrett .50BMG semi-auto rifle for Tennessee. Further more our sniper team will consist of Alvin York and Davy Crockett (Andrew Jackson will give the "ok to fire" from base) because they are all from Tennessee.

Paul B.

New member
As no one mentioned it, Arizona wants to make the Colt .45 single action their state gun. :cool: natrually, the liberal bliss-ninnies are raising all kinds of hell against the idea..:mad:
Paul B.