Alas, California!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
It is immaterial whether or not one agrees with Mr. Buchanan's theses as to cause and effect, or with his personal conclusions. The sources he cites pretty much speak to the future of the state, and my particular point in posting this link involves the views of the Democratic Party of California, and the probable additions to the anti-gun laws there.

A Republican Congress and Administration, faced with a solidly Democratic regime in California, will be far less likely to approve increased federal funding except in the realm of "Security", so the financial picture there becomes even more bleak.

Scary stuff,



New member
"Meanwhile, the grandchildren of the Dust Bowl Okies who came west in the 1930s, and the grandkids of the veterans of World War II who came after 1945, are moving to Nevada, Colorado and Idaho."

That is absolutely, 100% correct. Add me to the list of native Californians who will leave when they retire.

Remember, the California government once tried to tax pensions earned in California even if they were paid out in another state. Overturned by the Supremes.

When I reach my new home state, I will buy an AR-15 and an Ak-47 and fire them each in the direction of California (into a safe backstop). As far as I am concerned, thewhole state can try to make a living selling each other burgers and videos and working for the government.


Marko Kloos

New member
He describes the fiscal misery of California accurately, but then blows the entire premise with his usual scapegoating. "The brown and yellow people are to blame, along with NAFTA and GATT." Oversimplification for Joe Sixpack, easy and emotionally satisfying.

Good old Pat "Die Juden sind unser Unglück!" Buchanan...always looking for the cause of misery with differently-hued folks.


New member
Pat may be a little off base in some of his ramblings, but he is right on target with his reasons for the situation in Kailfornia.

When the taxpayers are outnumbered by the welfare class, there is no hope of fiscal balance, because as government imposes a heavier and heavier tab burden on the taxpayers, ( Middle Class )
they do the only sensible thing, they leave in droves.

So to all the liberals in California who embrace the immigrants from all parts of the third world, legal and illegal alike I say only that you made your bed, now lie in it


New member
Just because something may be "over simplified" and/or "emotionally satifying" does not necessarily make it incorrect. In my SW opinion he's right on the mark.

Malone LaVeigh

New member
So to all the liberals in California who embrace the immigrants from all parts of the third world, legal and illegal alike I say only that you made your bed, now lie in it
And what do you say to all of the conservative ranchers, contractors, and other employers who embrace the legal and illegal immagrants?


New member
4V50 Gary wrote:

Only one good thing can come from this in California. Democrats are out after Davis finishes his second term.

Might I suggest that you not bet anything on that premise, that you can't live comfortably without, for man seems to have the peculiar ability, amongst members of the animal kingdom, of NOT learning from history.


New member
Very sad situation indeed in Kalifornia. I had thought I would stay and fight, but more and more it is like swiming upstream in a river of communist rats, each one taking a nip or two as they float by.

The job market in the PRK is very bad, the worst I have seen, I have been here since 1960. Prices for energy, food, everything is higher in price than in other states.

Taxes! Ah yes, the demorats sure do know how to tack a tax, sur-charge, fee on everything. Taxes, are expected to go even higher. The cost of running a business in the PRK is very, very high -- established corporations are leaving in droves, of course no new businesses coming into the state.

I am retired, own my home, all of the financial problems don't have much effect, but so much intrusion into ones civil rights, gun rights.... Security cameras going up everywhere in the state, more every day, they watch and pry into every single thing one does. The k12 and higher education system in the PRK is beyond repair. The police here, in my opinion, based on some contact over the past 42 years seem to think, IMO that everyone except them is a criminal, they swagger around with an attitude of don't bother me boy, can't you see I'm busy! Not all police but, far too many. According to a friend who recently went through a Southern Kalif. Police Academy, the new officers are being taught that the public is the enemy, in particular older citizens, because older citizens know what is happening and resent it, therefore are a danger to police in general. All police departments in the PRK derive a large part of their yearly budget from property seizure and asset forfeiture, thus spend a major portion of their time searching tax records and banking records to discover who in the community has assets that can be seized, they are not required to have a reason, they just knock down doors, seize property and bank accounts. People can't fight it, they are left with nothing, can not even afford to hire an attorney. It would do no good -- nothing is ever recovered from property and assets seized. My friend was quite shocked at the police attitude and is very concerned, as I am about the future here in the PRK, in the U.S..

I had decided to stay and try to change what could be changed, it is difficult, perhaps an impossible task. I may have to move to a free state if things get much worse. I think it is going to be very hard for everyone in years ahead, I admit I fear for the safety of my family and friends, we may be close to the time when the government starts rounding up selected citizens and placing them in work/slave labor camps. A hard road ahead for sure.

Just a few thoughts, honest observations from the PRK. No I am not a cynic, my only claim is that I am a genuine american patriot.



New member
And as high-income Californians depart, to be replaced by low-wage Latins and Asians who consume more in services than they pay in taxes, California's deficits will explode

Then who is buying all of the numerous $500,000 houses as fast as they are being built? Burger flippers? Fruit pickers? :confused:

We are headed for some problems, but I don't think the sky is falling....

I agree with lendringser, even though I didn't understand the German part.:D


Moderator Emeritus
low-wage ... Asians who consume more in services than they pay in taxes

I wonder what the relative proportions of Asians and Caucasians on the dole are like? I'd wager the ratio doesn't play out the way Paddy Buchanan thinks it does...


New member
I have never seen an asian or mexican standing on the side of the freeway exit and entry ramps begging for money. They are working at restaurants for less then minimum, or standing in front of Home Depot looking for work. "The brown and yellow ones" are not on the dole anywhere close to the white and black ones, that's a fact.

California, bad news, bad gun laws???? I'm shocked....:rolleyes:


New member
"Then who is buying all of the numerous $500,000 houses as fast as they are
being built? Burger flippers? Fruit pickers?"

The same people who bought Worldcom at the top.

Illegal immigration isn't the only problem in California but it is indisputably one of them.
If you think the browns are not taking from the system, you have not spent much time in the system.

Call a welfare agency and see when they pick up the phone they offer spanish as the first language option. Spend time in a public hospital and see who comes in for free services.
I have spent time around the welfare/healthcare system, and the fact is that most of the people coming through it speak spanish only, in my experience.
Nothing against brown people personally, but the facts are that the California welfare system pays out huge amounts of money in services to mexican immigrants, and many of them pay no taxes so they are not paying any of it back.
BTW- I am one of those Native-Born Californians that just moved out of California. My family of upper-middle-class taxpayers fled California and are very happy in Arizona.

I would say Buchanon hit the nail on the head. But he only scratched the surface.