Alan Keyes on the separation of morals and state


New member
Good stuff...

For more on this catch the Debate on Cspan between
Alan Keys and Alan Dershowitz.


Alan Keyes!

"For more on this catch the Debate on Cspan between
Alan Keys and Alan Dershowitz."

Dershowitz got his butt kicked...he was so
mad he was spluttering. :)

Munro Williams

New member
Has Strength of Character become a Hate Crime?

By requiring personal responsibility from people as the necessary caveat for liberty, Alan Keyes provokes three, maybe four responses: most folks have temper tantrums and start whining, others run away screaming about hate crimes (which seems to be anything that expresses a moral judgement these days), and a steady few who think, "Whoa, I've never heard anything like this before... there's something to be learned here." And then there are some of us who find our thoughts articulated by a public figure for the first time in, oh, I don't know, ever since the Civil War, at least.


New member
Keyes has always been one of my favorite conservative statesman/scholars - it is damn sad that the great ones like Ambassador Keyes are drown out to the middle-of-the-road gomers and the loud liberal reconstructionists. Ambassador Keyes has some of the best 2nd Amendment commentaries anywhere (the same with his no income tax, pro-life, and US sovereignty works) - a real good one, if memory serves, was in Guns & Ammo or some other gun periodical back in a 2000 issue.

"The Constitution is not neutral. It was designed to take the gov't off the backs of people." [Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas]

"When the people fear the government, you have tyranny. When the government fears the people, you have freedom." [Thomas Paine]