Aladdin Expels Ronstadt

Fred Hansen

New member
The Alladin Hotel expelled Linda Ronstadt during a concert for making political statements.
Outstanding! Maybe next time she will stick to what she was hired to do. If I hired someone and they decided that they wanted to snivel about something not job related, they would find themselves in line next to Ms. Ronstadt at the unemployment office.

I think Laura Ingraham says it best: "SHUT UP AND SING!!!"


New member
If I paid good money to hear Linda belt out a bunch of the old standards, and she started spouting political diatribes, I'd be pissed. I get enough heartburn reading the newspaper every morning, I don't need it when I'm expecting to be, and have paid good money to be, entertained.
Entertainers should stick with entertaining. Leave politics to the politicians.

BTW, if I was in the audience, I'd want an encore to make up for the lost entertainment time because of a political message - that or my money back.


New member
About 200 people walked out of her encore after a political statement at Wente Vinyards in California last night, I gather.


New member
The Alladin Hotel expelled Linda Ronstadt during a concert for making political statements.

And *3 of the *5 people that paid to see her perform demanded their money back....... :D

*the other 2 that didn't were her kids :D

Honestly, using the term "entertainer" in conjunction with a lot of these has-been drugged out/ruined their talents nobody's is a real stretch.

Geoff Timm

New member
As of Fox News this Morning, 7-24-04, the whole thing was a publicity stunt.

Old Owners toss Ronstadt. New Owners invite Ronstadt and MICHAEL MOORE back.

Funny how that works out.

Who wonders if MM will waive his personnal appearance fees. :barf: