Alabama: May Issue or Shall Issue?


New member
According to several sources, Alabama is a may issue state. However, anyone who applies for a permit can get one as long as he or she passes a background check.

You'd think Alabama is a shall-issue state. But it's not. :confused:

Was this one of those states that became de facto shall-issue by court ruling?


New member
Technically Alabama is a may issue state, with the chief law enforcement authority (the sheriff) in each county determining who gets a pistol permit and what it will cost. In Jefferson County (including Birmingham area) the cost is (or was) $ 10.00 annually. Here in Houston County (Dothan area) our high sheriff charges $ 20.00 annually.

Yes, in practice it has become a defacto shall issue state. Essentially it has become a significant revenue item for sheriff departments across the state. Given the low taxes of this state, the sheriff needs all the revenue they can get.

This method of issuing pistol permit has rarely been a political issue and lack of training requirements and low fees makes it a bargain compared to neighboring states such as TN, FL, and GA.


New member
In Marshall County, where I live, the annual fee is $15. A quick little form to fill out, and you have your permit in a few days. No muss, no fuss.


New member
Here in Baldwin co. it is $35 for one year. Which is way to much in MY opion. It went for 25 to 35 when they switched from paper license to a card license much like a driver's license.

Jim March

New member
This state and Conn. are oddballs. Functionally, they're shall-issue. Per the statute, "may issue" is "possible", but it's just not being handled that way.

In Conn they actually realized there was an equal protection issue. Dunno if that was actually stated in Alabama but it's a good bet that if they denied to blacks, it would get noticed and stomped on in short order.

See, California denies that they have racial issues! So the state basically gets a free ride on racism. In the South, too many people remember absolute horror 30+ years ago so racial equality is taken more seriously.

Anyways. Per HCI/VPC statistics, AL and CN are "may issue". Based on what's really going on there, pro-gun sources call them "shall issue". Both sides are technically correct, but we're more truthful.


New member
Hmmm, having moved from CT to AL this year, here are my experiences:

Connecticut, until very recently, was a "may issue" state, but in the real world, just about anyone who was eligible to own a firearm got their permits to carry concealed pistols and revolvers. This was only done for the local permits, which have now been discarded in favor of the temporary state permit. When getting the local permit, some towns wanted you to jump through more hoops than others. For example, in Bristol, CT, I had to get 3 letters of reference, one from someone who had known me for over 10 years, and the Bristol PD did end up calling one of my references.

Some people did get denied local permits, but upon appealing, just about everyone got approved.

Getting the state permit, even back then, was a simple issue once you had your local permit. Just go to the DPS building, ask the friendly guy at the door where the permits and licensing office was, follow his instructions, go to the booth, pay a small fee, get photographed, and get your state permit in 5 minutes.

Ironically, just about anyone who wants to purchase a handgun in CT pretty much ends up getting a concealed carry permit, since the application for getting a permit to purchase a handgun is essentially the same. No sense in wasting time getting the lesser permit when the concealed carry permit removes the need to have a permit to purchase, but it is this very system that has pretty much killed the gun shows in the state of CT.

As for Alabama, it's also technically a "may issue" state, but I have yet to hear of anyone getting rejected who had passed the background check. My guess is that if anyone did get rejected, they probably showed up there in dirty clothes, having not taken a shower for a month, and swearing every other word.

My experience was this: go into the Shelby Country Sheriff's office, smile at the nice lady behind the counter, ask for the pistol permit application, fill it out right there, pay 20 bucks, and sign the card. In and out in 5 minutes.

The permit process varies from one county to another, as in Jefferson County, you have to be a resident there for 6 months before you can apply, but it only costs 10 bucks / year.

After having attended the gun show in Birmingham last weekend, I can honestly say that it's great to be back South, where there are such things as good gun shows...


New member
Welcome back, Chemistry, from another resident of Who-ville. At least when I'm not here in Columbus GA.

As has been pointed out, while AL is technically "may issue", I've never, ever heard of someone being turned down. Since you (Chemistry) went to the gun show at the Civic Center, you obviously saw that the Jefferson County Sheriff's Dept had one of the first tables as you enter the hall, with imformation packets and permit applications there on the table. Gotta love it. For those of you not familiar, Jefferson County is the must urbanized and "citified" in the state. Since they promote pistol permits at gun shows, it gives you some flavor of the CCW laws here.