Al Sharpton speaks at anti-war camp near Bush ranch


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Al Sharpton speaks at anti-war camp near Bush ranch
CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) — The Rev. Al Sharpton joined hundreds of war protesters camping near President Bush's ranch for an interfaith service Sunday, saying he felt compelled to meet Cindy Sheehan, the grieving mother who started the rally three weeks earlier.

Sheehan arrived in Bush's hometown Aug. 6 and refused to leave until she could question the president about the war that has killed more than 1,870 U.S. service members, including her son Casey. (Related story: Bush on road after weekend of dueling demonstrations)

"I feel that it is our moral obligation to stand and to be courageous with these families, and particularly Cindy, that have become the conscience of this nation," said Sharpton, an activist and former Democratic presidential candidate.

Sharpton and Sheehan laid roses at crosses near "Camp Casey," named for Sheehan's 24-year-old son who was killed in Iraq last year.

Actor Martin Sheen, who portrays the Democratic president on NBC's The West Wing, also met with Sheehan on Sunday.

Several cars with pro-Bush signs drove slowly down the road by the protest campsite. One man was arrested and charged with misdemeanor assault for allegedly shoving an anti-war demonstrator, McLennan County sheriff's deputies said.

After the war protest ends Wednesday, the anti-war group plans to spread its message on a bus tour, with the first stop probably in the southeast Texas district of U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay.

Bush has said he appreciates Sheehan's right to protest and sympathizes with her, but his aides have said there are no plans to change his schedule to meet with her.

Sheehan and other grieving families met with Bush about two months after her son died last year, before she became a vocal opponent of the war.

Baba Louie

New member
There's a surprise I tell ya. Sharpton and Sheen joining with Sheehan. You'd think more Democratic 2008 hopefuls would make the scene (where's J. Jackson? In Venezuela?)
Maybe that'll get our President to respond to her plight. (As If) At least the TV crews got some more footage to show, to momentarily take our collective minds off Katrina/New Orleans/$70.00 barrel.

I read this weekend that even Churchill got "Boo'd" by the British late in '44 and early '45, 'cause they thought he was taking too long to win the war. He was, of course, voted out in July of '45. (Source, Beschloss', The Conquerors: Roosevelt, Truman and the Destruction of Hitler's Germany 1941- 1945) I believe that in the same book, I read that over 100,000 American (Loyalist) Colonists left the US to settle in Canada during and after the Revolutionary War... tho it may have been something from one of Ambrose's works.

I'm glad they still have the right to protest.


New member
hey,, I like Al.

Anybody that blasts the Clintons (as well as the entire Democratic party) is ok by me.

Check this out:

""And just because Bill can sing "Amazing Grace" well doesn't mean the omnibus crime bill was not a bill that hurt our people," Sharpton told the several hundred people gathered at the Washington Convention Center.

Clinton enjoyed significant African-American support and was affectionately referred to by many in the black community as America's "first black president."

"We must stop allowing people to gain politically from us if they're not reciprocating when dealing and being held accountable," said Sharpton, referring to the allegiance that African-American voters maintain to the Democratic Party.

Sharpton said many politicians who court the black vote "come by and get our votes 'cause they wave at us on Sunday morning while the choir's singing. And we act like that is reaching out."

The problem is these same politicians "never addressed why they sit here in Washington with an epidemic proportion of HIV AIDS in our (black) community, unemployment in our community and they do nothing to deal with eliminating those problems," Sharpton explained.

"Imagine me going to a convention of whites who half of them were unemployed and I smiled, waved, sing a hymn and leave. They would whip me in the parking lot before [I left]," he said to laughter and applause. "
- Al Sharpton @ National Urban League's annual conference in Washington.

Al seems to have taken a page out of Malcom X's book and come out swinging against the Democrats.

As a matter of fact, I find myself in 100% agreement with everything he says here:\\Politics\\archive\\200507\\POL20050729c.html


Naw weet jist a minute thar Charlie ... five minuteas ago, Sheehan was cavorting with "whitey supreemicists".

And now ya say'in Al Sharpee and Martin Sheen is hugg'n un kissan on her too?

"And over on the left side now ... aw, a bit farther out this time ..." [they all rush to the left side]

Give us a break.


What about the families across the way, those who have lost their sons and daughters yet still support the war?

I guess they don't count to Mr. Sharpton.


What about the families across the way, those who have lost their sons and daughters yet still support the war?

I guess they don't count to Mr. Sharpton.

This one is easy, no camera's around those folks. You know ol' Al

I'll take up any cause, just don't get in my way in front of the camera's
