Al-Qa'ida Blather...


Some Excerpts from some Al-Qa'ida spokesman's articles.

Read this and then see if you can tell me with a clear conscience that anything less than total annihilation of people who think like this will be an effective course of action.

Al-Qa'ida's Abu-Ghayth Notes Right 'To Use Chemical, Germ Weapons' Against US
Alneda WWW-Text in Arabic 08 Jun 02
[Articles by Al-Qa'ida Spokesman Sulayman Abu-Ghayth: "In the
Shadows of Spears" ]
[Translated Text] . ...In this article, I will discuss one
justification that suffices for us to fight the jihad against the
Americans, Jews, and those who follow in their way until they stop their actions that vindicate this shari'ah justification, that is, the reciprocal treatment.

God Almighty says: "If then any transgresses against the prohibition against you, transgress ye likewise against him." He also
says: "The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto."
[Koranic verses]
.... According to the figures I mentioned in the last part about the number
of Muslims killed at the hands of the Americans, either
directly or through their support, help, and backing, we are still at the
beginning of the road and the Americans have not yet tasted
what we have tasted at their hands. The ones killed in the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon are just in return for those killed in
Al-Amiriyah shelter in Iraq [during the 1991 Gulf War]. They are just a
very small number against the number of those killed in
Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, the Philippines, Bosnia, Kashmir, Chechnya, and
We have not broken even with them, otherwise we would have the right to
kill 4 million Americans, including 1 million children,
displace double this figure, and wound and maim hundreds of thousands. It
is even our right to fight them with chemical and germ
weapons so that they would suffer from the same fatal and strange diseases
that have infected Muslims as a result of their chemical
and germ weapons.


Why do we fight America?
In the previous article I asked about the reasons for the astonishment
and surprise expressed at what happened to America--the state of the
infidels and the Hubal
[idol worshipped in Mecca in pre-Islamic times] of this age. I said that
what happened was the least that could happen to this state and I gave
spontaneous and
normal justifications for this. Any child who watched those events could
not help but innocently ask, "did America expect anything less?" ...
America is the head of the infidels in this age. It is the leader of
the infidel democratic system, which is based on separating religion from
state and on people
governing themselves through enacted laws that contradict the course of God
Almighty and which permit that what God has forbidden.


America is behind every injustice, oppression, and brutality meted out
at Muslims. America is behind all the catastrophes that have befallen and
still befall
Muslims. America is drowned in the blood of Muslims. It cannot hide or
conceal this.

In Iraq, because of the US bombardment and blockade over 1.2 million
Muslims have been killed. During the past 10 years over 1 million children
have died
because of the blockade, i.e. at the rate of 83,333 children per month or
2,777 children per day. In the Al-Amiriyah shelter, over 5,000 Iraqis were
killed. Are these
figures for military installations???!!!
In Afghanistan, in its war against the Taliban and al-Qa'ida America has
killed 12,000 Afghani civilians and 350 Arab mujahidin, including women and
children. Entire
families of Arab muhajidin were killed in their cars after US planes and
helicopters shelled them with anti-tank rockets. The remains of some those
killed were found
scattered here and there.
In Somalia, America killed over 13,000 Somalis. They also sexually
assaulted boys and girls.

Muslims have
suffered unimaginable losses because of these blockades.
After all this, doesn't the prey which is being tied and dragged to the
slaughterhouse have the right to try to get loose? Doesn't it have the
right while it is being
slaughtered to kick its feet? Doesn't it have the right after it is
slaughtered to spray the butcher with its blood?
After all this, some shed crocodile tears over what happened to the
state of the infidels. Like "fools" they try to acquit Islam for what has
happened to the state of
the infidels, which they beg to be sympathetic and kind toward Muslims.
They send envoys and emissaries to the muhajidin, begging them not to fight
Hubal. Why
do they ask this from us?
No, by God we have repudiated the Americans as they have repudiated us.
We are not safe if they are safe. We are not good if our fires are seen.
There is no
pride and no dignity if we do not avenge our brothers in Palestine, Iraq,
Afghanistan, and elsewhere.

Why was the world astonished and taken by surprise? Why were hundred
of millions of human beings amazed by what happened to America on
Did the world believe anything other than this, or did the world expect less
than this to happen?
What happened to America is considered normal, an event to be
anticipated for a State that has indulged in the style of terrorism, the
policy of arrogance and the
law of bestiality against nations and peoples. ....

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941, we went to war. After the Islamic terrorist savages attacked New York and Washington, D.C. in 2001, we... Well, we... Oh. That's right. We bombed a few terrorist savages in Afghanistan and began shaking down little old blue-haired grandmothers who want to fly.