Al Gore & the Constitution


New member
This commentary by Linda Bowles ( reminds us why it is critical for RKBA that Gore be defeated this Fall:
In his last debate with Bill Bradley, Al Gore revealed to all who cared to listen why he is
not fit to be president of the United States. He declared that "the Constitution is a living and
breathing document ... intended by our founders to be interpreted in the light of the
constantly evolving experience of the American people." Gore agreed with Bradley that it
was important to appoint Supreme Court justices who are not "... locked into a rigid
interpretation of the Constitution."

In his famous farewell address, George Washington, who presumably knew something
about what the founders intended, said this about the integrity of the Constitution: "... the
Constitution which at any time exists, till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the
whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all. ...Toward the preservation of your
government ... it is requisite ... that you resist with care the spirit of innovation upon its

Translation: Don't tinker with the Constitution. If you don't like what it says, change it --
legally. The founders specifically provided for the amendment of the Constitution, should the
people decide it is necessary. They included the amendment provision for the precise
purpose of protecting the Constitution from mutilation at the hands of loophole lawyering,
judicial skulduggery and political opportunism.

For all practical purposes, Gore has advised voters that he will appoint Supreme Court
judges who are willing to override the Constitution with their own ideology and innovations.

Gore and those who agree with him are about the seditious business of transforming
America from a nation governed by laws into one governed by men. Unless they are
stopped, it is only a matter of time until we can say goodbye to our Constitution, the rights it
guarantees, the freedoms it gives to the people, and the protections it sets forth against
over-arching and intrusive government.

For his declaration, in effect, that the Constitution of the United States has no intrinsic
meaning, and that neither he nor the justices he appoints are bound and limited by what it
explicitly says and clearly means, Gore has immediately disqualified himself for the high
office he seeks.

How could a man with these anarchistic views be expected to take a vow to preserve
and defend the Constitution? If his conscience did not impede him from taking such a vow,
how could he be trusted to honor it?

We are at a special time in our national history when it is important to put behind us the
infamy, the degeneracy and the dishonesty of what has been described as the most corrupt
administration America ever suffered. There is a palpable desire among the people for
leaders who will restore decency and integrity to the White House.

Gore knows he is tainted by years of association with his mentor, Bill Clinton. This
accounts for his efforts to redefine who and what he is.

I have resisted the thought, but Al Gore's affected mannerisms and posturing remind me
of Benito Mussolini, the Italian dictator who loved to show off his physique in public. I keep
expecting Gore to do something to demonstrate his muscular manhood the way Mussolini
did when he strutted before the cameras, stripped off his shirt, and rubbed snow on his
hairy, bare chest.

Gore has spent time in the gym reshaping his body. He has redone his hairdo, changed
his wardrobe, and feigned animation to help convince us he is not who he is. He is also
denying his own past, and fantasizing about his accomplishments to create a false identity
for himself.

An editorial in the national weekly edition of the Washington Times carried the headline,
"Al Gore Just Can't Tell the Truth." It summarized the vice president's history of deception.
A few examples. Gore claimed: that he invented the Internet; that he and Tipper were the
models for Erich Segal's novel "Love Story"; that as an investigative reporter, he "got a
bunch of people indicted and sent to jail"; that he was a co-sponsor of the
McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill; that he was always pro-choice on abortion;
that he totally renounced his connections to tobacco after the death of his sister from lung
cancer; that he did not know he was in the middle of a fund-raiser at the California Buddhist
Temple in 1996; that he did not know his fund-raising phone calls from his government
office were illegal; and that he did not know anything about the millions of dollars illegally
funneled into the Democrat Party by agents of communist China.

All of these claims and boasts are documentably false, and some of them are arguably

It is not difficult to recognize Gore for what he really is: a physically disguised fugitive
from the awful truth, carrying forged credentials.

Originally Published on 3/14/00

Dennis Olson

New member
And it's not hard to see Gore for what he really is: a fascist wannabe who would make America into the new Nazi Germany.

I wouldn't vote for that POS if it were a ONE MAN RACE. I was GOING to vote Libertarian from now on, but it really looks like I'll have to vote for "Shrubya", even though I can't stand HIM either.

Why can't we do what they do in Russia? You can vote for "none of the above", and if no single candidate gets at least 50% of the vote, they hold a new election. (I NEVER in my life thought I'd advocate ANYTHING Russian. It just goes to show you how far America has declined, that THEY might have a choice in their electoral system that WE lack!)