Al Gore in vietnam...

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New member
Did anyone see this picture of Al Gore in combat? What's wrong with this picture.

Hints: 1) if he was really in combat, where's his magazine?

2) where is that weapon pointing?

I guess that's why Al Gore doesn't think anyone should own a firearm.

The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.


New member
Of course that weapon's safe. After all, it DOES have a muzzle cap on it! :) Notice how new the clothes are? The creases from the fold aren't even worn down. Do you also notice that he appears to have a top, a fatigue jacket, and then a rain coat as the outer garment? Anybody know what the average temp was in 'Nam? Safety is also on 'fire'. Smells like a photo op to make his parents proud more than anything else.

Times have changed, but the nature of man hasn't. That's why I always go to AA, "Alert and Armed". :)

Alan B

New member
You did notice that their is no MAG in the well didn't you. Its obvious that someone didn't trust him with a loaded weapon
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