AK's for $30-120 dollars???????


New member
Just finished a show on National Geographic channel. It was a show about a special drug unit down in Rio, Brazil. They claim you can buy a AK, most common rifle of the drug trade, for the stated above amount.

As soon as I saw that, I looked over to my wife and said I will take 10 or 20 for that price.

You really have to question the "magic box" sometimes.

Just thought it was humorous. Have a great day.


New member
and their AKs

are military specs to... it is not fair!

Yet despite all this, Mexican drug cartels buy our high priced assault rifles to support their wars against each other and the state. I just wish I was going to the same gun shows and gun shops that they go to. I have been all over the US and never saw grenades for sale! Yet I saw them confiscated along with American assault rifles. Why would my government lie to me?


They are very inexpensive in most parts of the world--the prices quoted sound right. They're expensive here for various reasons, one of which is that people are willing to pay a lot more for them.


because of taxes, tarifs, regulations, min wage, insurance, real estate prices. Resellers have to make up for their fixed costs. yeah also because supply and demand are lower so prices have to be higher as well.


because of taxes, tarifs, regulations, min wage, insurance, real estate prices
That's definitely some of it. That probably would bring the price up to around $250 or so in the U.S. in today's money.


New member
In Cambodia last time i was there a US guy and his friend where buying AK's and demilling them in country to ship to the US

they paid $25 USD each then about another $20 each to be demilled and about $40 each in "fee's" to ensure the process went smooth thier end,

The BATFE aint a bribe based org, so besides shipping and taxes the US end you can figure out the costs on those.

each rifle was then bagged into matching parts to be put in the container

the gent is on another forum and this was last year so suspect they my have hit the US already



44 AMP

yeah, you can get them cheap in the 3rd World

And mostly, they aren't legal there (but no one bothers with the laws), and they can't be made legal here. Ever. Until the Fed law gets changed. And that ain't likely.

So, go ahead, buy 10-30 AKs overseas, for next to nothing. Bring them in the US, and get 10 years jailtime, plus a whopping huge fine, plus all the fun things your new roommates will teach you!

Doesn't seem like much of a good deal to me!:eek:


New member
+1 to Jack404..

I was in Cambodia in 2004 and saw AK's were pretty common at about $40 each. Freakin RPG's were $250 US.


New member
Africa is the place for AK and varients

never seen so many as there

warehouses full

its nutz..

and from what i heard more on the way,

more guns than food

thats really nutz


New member
In Trashcanistan in 2004, the Afghan Natl. Army dudes I worked with said you could get a nice Russian AK for $80 USD. You could get a rough condition one that still fired for about half of that. RPG launchers went for $250 USD and rockets were $20 each.

I had a guy offer to sell me his Chinese Tokarev pistol for $35. Rough condition Russian Makarovs (Afghans didn't like the Makarov for some reason) were $25-$50 USD.

You gotta love the exchange rate. It was $1009 Afghan = $20 USD when I was there. A fella could get an awful lot of flatbread, fried okra, fried goat, and pepsi for $5. Sometimes they'd kick in a carton of cigarettes and a brick of matches in the friendlier towns. Good times.


New member
My Ethiopian coworker used to have a Russian under folder when he lived in Ethiopia...

I showed him the price of of a Yugo under folder online

He looked like this --> :eek: