ak47 or 12 ga for close range hog hunting?


New member
im gonna be baiting an area and i'll be shooting from under 100 yards. never hog hunted before so im not sure if the ak47 or 12 ga would be better.

which gun and what kind of ammo would be best?


New member
whichever one that is most reliable and you can shoot the best.....

Take a buddy and use both.....

If you plan on closer range have a backup hand gun....they can charge very quickly....

they usually run away but you can't predict if one will charge...they charge very quickly...

I don't know if they can tell when you're not looking, but, thats when it has happened to me..

some more experienced hog hunters should chime in soon.


Staff In Memoriam
I think gunners face less charging hogs... Pretty much needs to be snuck up on, cornered or wounded... the more of these factors... the higher the risk.

With the use of dogs, the hog knows he/she is in severe peril so it is a far higher likelihood that we have created the above factors... except the sneak part...:D


New member
Well, I've only hog hunted once. Carried my 6.5mm bolt action deer rifle. But once we got into the thick brush I was thinking my partners Springfield SAR (semi auto 308) with it's 20 round magnum was a better choice.;)

The swede performed fine with only one shot needed, but if I were to do it again, I'd opt for a semi. I'd go with the AK.

The next question is.... What type of bullet? FMJ or SP?


New member
I would use the AK,the short fast action low recoil would be best IMO
WE USE ambush blinds in so. GA edges of swamp /fields if we can set up close I use saiga 308 & 762x39and GLOCK 21 in 45ACP. USE FED 123gr. high shock or win 123gr.soft point they will getter done. WE cant bait them here wish we could. good luck:D
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New member
308 = 7.62x39???

Man, my reloading manual must be really screwed up.... I think I'll call Lee on Tuesday...


phil mcwilliam

New member
I've hunted/culled hundreds of feral pigs over the last 30 years using pistol, shotgun & rifle. I always prefer a centerfire rifle, since you often encounter pigs in groups. Once you've dispatched the first pig, the remainder of the group gets out of range pretty quick if all youre using is a shotgun or pistol.
Id take the AK, although I still prefer a scoped centerfire rifle for my hunting, even in the thick stuff.


New member
i was leaning toward the ak47 anyway. now what ammo? i have lots of wolf fmj and hollow points but would a name brand soft point be more effective?


New member
My best guess for ammo choice would be a good soft point. hogs have pretty tough hides, so I think that an HP would not give the penetration you're looking for.

I found my 6.5mm 140gr SP bullet against the hide on the far side of the 300lb+ boar that I shot. One bullet at 70 yards was all it took. The swede bullet is a little heavier (140gr. vs. 125gr) and a litte faster (2600fps vs. 2300 fps) but I think a good 7.62x39 SP will do the job you need it to do.