(AK) woman kills retired Public Safety Commissioner

Futo Inu

New member
It's sad...damn psycho chicks. And she was otherwise a keeper - could dress out a caribou in a bathtub, and knew how to Mozambique someone.

One one hospital in the state - "Alaska Regional"?


New member
no, there are 3 here in anchorage, Providence, Ak Regional, and the state funded Native Medical Center.

i've never name dropped before, but since i have so many relatives up here, every 5th person seems to be a family member, Godfrey was my mothers first cousin. i dont personally know half my family, too many aunts, uncles, cousins, etc, but i wish i did know this one. my brother and i have joked in the past that if we applied to the State Troopers, Godfrey might be able to help us get a good assignment.

an updated report indicates that his wife Patti is starting to recover.

given the information that has been released, my guess is that the gun used was a desert eagle. 8 casings were recovered, and although the shooter was obviously familiar with guns, it seems odd that she would put three shots in Glenn, 3 more towards his wife, stop, reload, take two more shots, the last one taking her own life.


New member
Yikes, I hate to hear these stories. This tragic situation is a fact of life however. A life of public service willl be his legacy. One tough looking customer who was unaware of this nut cases intentions or else this would have ended differently I am sure. Hopefully his wife will recover.
