
New member
This topic may be worn out for many of you-- but it is new for me.
Local bulletin board has some firearms ads. A few AK and a few SKS show up - at very high prices. If I decide I want one or the other, then perhaps we can negotiate on price. Most are 7.62 x 39. Some of the SKS seem to be for AK magazines. I know that some SKS are like that from the factory and others have been modified to accept those magazines. I believe that I prefer the factory magazine setup for the AK magazines.
So if you chose one or the other, which would it be? Other suggestions?


New member
I have both and prefer the AK overall. SKS is a tad more accurate, but the AK has so many more accessories, and it fits me better. The SKS stock is just way too short without a pistol grip. My right hand is in my face when I shoot it. The AK is also a little simpler. Easier to take apart and clean.

It's a close match up. If I had to pick one over the other right now, I'd get an AK, but I would get an SKS later, too.


New member
The SKS is a good rifle, but too many people buy them thinking they are a cheaper substitute for an AK, and are disappointed with them because they're too different. If you like "tactical" rifles with pistol grips you should buy an AK, the SKS is a more traditional rifle, and while people do put aftermarket folding stocks and stuff on them, I think the SKS is best appreciated in its standard configuration. Thats my opinion at any rate take it for what its worth.


New member
Depends on what you want to do, If you want detachable 30 round mags, the AK would be the way to go.

IMO you would want to stay away from an SKS which takes the "duckbill" magazines, these are just SKS rifles with the stock 10 round fixed magazine removed. There are Chinese SKS rifles that take standard AK magazines, this would be a SKS-D I believe.


New member
I personally prefer the SKS with the original 10 round fixed mag that feeds from stripper clips. the ergonomics agree with me more, I can feed from strippers faster than I can single feed a 30 round mag, my SKS is more accurate than any AK I have ever fired, they are much cheaper and they are a lot easier to strip down and put back together.


New member
Hunting - SKS
Resale - AK
Accuracy - SKS
Fun - AK
Least likely to be restricted in the future - SKS
Most likely to hack off the Antis - AK

both are good weapons, you really can't go wrong with either from a reputable mfg.


New member
If you want an AK, buy an AK. Don't buy an SKS thinking you can change mags, and stocks, and make It an AK. It doesn't happen!
If you just want a decent shooting 10 shot 7.62X39 semi-auto rifle for a less $ than an AK, buy an SKS, shoot, and enjoy.


New member
I know the SKS is supposed to be more accurate than the AK but in my case I find my converted Saiga to be more accurate than my Russian SKS. Add to that the ability to easily mount a scope on the AK, detachable mags, and better ergonomics I choose the AK hands down. The bigger question to me is whether or not 2-3 SKS is better than one AK. I paid almost $600 for my AK and I spent about that much again on an upgraded forearm, grip, scope mount, scope, and adjustable stock. I paid $175 for my SKS.


New member
and better ergonomics
this is completely subjective. it has been my observation that far more shooters/ owners prefer the ergos of their SKS than AKS and I personally spent 3 years trying to find a setup for my AK that was comfortable and never did before selling it. so far every setup I've tried with the SKS has been more comfortable than even the best AK setup I've tried.

the AK is great to a lot of people for a lot of reasons but ergonomics is almost never the reason. you are also basing your opinion on a siaga which is not a true AK. it is a sporting rifle made in russia that uses similar parts and method of operation and many people convert it to look like an AK but the gas system, trigger, and furniture is not the same and so really should be used as a comparative model for the AK.


New member
People say that SKSs are more accurate than AKs, and that may be true depending on the rifle. I didn't find that to be the case. However I did sell the AK (probably shouldn't have) and kept the SKS.

Why? I like the way the safety operates on the SKS. Its easy to use with your index finger as you're walking through the swamp looking for pigs. When you find one, your trigger finger pushes down into the trigger guard, sweeping off the safety and you are ready to go.

No, I don't have 30 rounds at my disposal. But 10 round stripper clips are pretty fast. If you love your AK that's cool. I'm just saying why I kept my SKS over the AK.


New member
20, 30 and 40 round tapco/promag magazines have worked flawlessly in my type 56 SKS.

If there was a 20 round mag you could just click in the bottom of an m1 Garand I guarantee you people would be buying them.



New member
20, 30 and 40 round tapco/promag magazines have worked flawlessly in my type 56 SKS.

If there was a 20 round mag you could just click in the bottom of an m1 Garand I guarantee you people would be buying them.


I have several 20 & 30 round Tapco/Promag mags with zero issues


New member
I have a norinco sks with a folding stock and old usa 30 round detachable mag with over 500 rounds and 0he issues. I have tryed the promags recently also dont own any but the ones i tested seemed to work great and you will also be hard pressed to find anything bad about the tapco's.point being if you want more capacity for the sks you can have it and still have great reliability..but either way you go both are good options.

Also if you go for the ak please dont get suckered in to paying the 800 prices for 300 dollar guns the prices are coming back down maybe not as far as before but you will find better deals if you are patient.

chris in va

New member
...or, get a Saiga for ~$350 and 'convert' it to standard AK configuration for about $150. It'll be a brand new gun with no wear and will function flawlessly.

That being said I didn't want to rely on iffy ammo supplies so I sold mine and got an AR so I can reload.

Been there

New member
If we are talking Chinese here, then I've owned all 3 in 7.62x39
AK47- is a good streep sweeper. looks cool & as accurate with one hand as two
SKk takes the AK magazines & is much more accurate. The longer barrel gives greater effective range.
SKS- 10 Shot with chrome bore , the best of the 3 in terms of accuracy & reliability. Greater effective range than the AK .


New member
I own a Russian SKS and prefer it to any AK I've seen. With that said, The AK seems much more popular and a lot of people like over the SKS.

I'd suggest handling both and see which one you like the best but if you already prefer the general set up of the AK, don't buy an SKS thinking its a cheaper version.