AK kit


New member
Have you tried asking the company selling it? Most kits include everything but the receiver so an FFL holder is not needed but this appears to have a receiver so I don't know what is included and what is not.


New member
Tell us what you find out. I doubt thats a whole rifle ( which is what is implied to me by the lower mentioned in the description) but or is that just mentioned to let you know thats the kind of reciever those parts fit.



New member
The ad states:

"Stamped receiver cut as per BATF."

Meaning the receiver has been destroyed according to ATF regulations. I don't know what else would be needed to complete the kit, but you would need a receiver at the very least.


New member
The kit should have everything needed. It sayes the receiver has been cut so you will have to get a receiver. Be sure to get the US compliance parts. Hate to get caught without those. It's not to hard to put an ak kit together I put my AMD63 together from a parts kit. I got the receiver off of www.gunbroker.com
for $50.


New member
After some thought last night thats what I understood too. My initial thoughts were cut as in milled, then it hit me.
