(AK) Idiot shoots at newspaper deliverer, thought it was a burglar


New member
Man fires at, misses carrier
CLOSE CALL: Woman was delivering shooter's paper.
By PETER PORCO, Anchorage Daily News, Published: May 12, 2006
Last Modified: May 12, 2006 at 03:47 AM

Police arrested a man early Thursday for shooting at a newspaper carrier who, he said, he thought was a burglar, according to the Anchorage Police Department.

The carrier was not injured, although the bullet from the man's handgun narrowly missed her, police said.

Officers charged Daniel Philip, 27, with felony assault and weapons misconduct and took him to the Anchorage jail, police said.

Philip's bail initially was set at $5,000, but the district attorney had not filed charging documents, and a judge early Thursday evening ordered Philip released without having to post bail, a booking officer at the jail said.

The carrier, May Davis of Anchorage, and her husband were delivering the Daily News on Baxter Terrace Circle near Patterson Street and East Northern Lights Boulevard around 3 a.m. when the incident occurred, according to APD spokeswoman Anita Shell.

Davis, 24, was driving. She let her husband off at one end of the long cul-de-sac while she drove to the upper end, got out of the car and began dropping newspapers, Shell said.

"The slam of the car door awakened Daniel Philip who looked out the window and saw Davis running back to her car," Shell said in a written statement. "Believing she was a burglar, he yelled at her to stop."

When Davis did not stop, he fired a shot, hitting the door frame near her head as she was getting into the vehicle, police said.

"Had it hit a few inches down, he would be answering to murder charges instead of weapons misconduct," Shell said in an interview.

Philip told officers there had been break-ins in the neighborhood. Police could not immediately confirm whether that was correct. Regardless, Shell said, Philip had no right to shoot.

"There was no threat against him," she said in a phone interview. "You can't use deadly force against someone who's going away from you."

Neither Davis nor her husband, Dennis, returned a phone message. Eric Weatherman, a circulation supervisor for the paper, said the Davises are contractors who have delivered the paper for less than two weeks.

"He told me this morning he was going to continue with the route, but that she wouldn't be coming with him anymore," Weatherman said. "But she might change her mind."



Shooting at fleeing perps running away only works in Houston, TX. Perps, not the newspaper people. It is ok, however, to shoot a wrecker driver repossessing your automobile if you think he is stealing it.


New member
use of force

crazy. this is what gives fuel to the anti-gunners. Idiots. Perhaps they should give IQ tests to people wanting to purchase firearms.


Staff Alumnus
Gdeal, you wanna hear a funny?

According to an Austrian friend o' mine, to receive a firearms permit there, you have to undergo psychiatric testing. Even so, domestic violence committed with firearms is on the rise. So much for the poking of the head meats, eh?


If he had shot at the carrier while the paper was still on its way to his porch it would have been self-defense.




New member
It is ok, however, to shoot a wrecker driver repossessing your automobile if you think he is stealing it.

Wrong, wrong, wrong...It is illegal to shoot at a repossessor in every state in the union. The only exception is Texas where it must be demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt that you did not know you were in default on your car loan. In TX every major lender sends a "notice to cure" certified with return receipt. In every other state it is accepted that you know you are in default and if you don't you should.

In Louisiana self help involuntary repossession is not allowed because a vehicle is considered an extension of a residence.

This is a great example of why you should never take legal opinions off of gun forums. This is a truly idiotic assertion.