AK-47 Question


New member
Im considering buying an AK-47 and ive got some questions..first question is the ak fires 7.62x39 cal...now wats the differences between that and the .223 remington round?? and from anyone who has one thats fully and one thats semi which is better?


Member Emeritus
Caliber differences are in weight and bullet diameter, primarily. 7.62x39 typically fires a 123-grain bullet in roughly a .31 caliber, the .223 was designed around a 55-grain bullet (now commonly uses anywhere from 40-80 grain projectiles) in a .22 caliber.

Which is best, full or semi-auto, depends entirely on the anticipated use. If military, the full auto version is preferable. If not military, the semi version is preferable. Neither is inherently "better".
May be irrelevant anyway since full-auto AKs are quite expensive, hard to find in transferable form, and may be prohibited locally in your area.



"Im considering buying an AK-47 and ive got some questions..first question is the ak fires 7.62x39 cal...now wats the differences between that and the .223 remington round?? and from anyone who has one thats fully and one thats semi which is better?"

7.62x39 is the way the M43 cartridge is described in the metric measuring system. 7.62 is the diameter of the bullet (the part that leaves the barrel through the muzzle) in millimeters. 39 is how long in millimeters the case is. The case is the empty part of the cartridge that comes out of the back of the barrel when it's fired.

.223 rem is measured in English units, and .223 is the diameter of the bullet. The metric equivilent is 5.56x45. Because it is a smaller bullet being propelled by a similar charge of powder, the .223 Rem travels at a much greater speed and has a flatter trajectory.

A full auto AK is possible to get, but they are extremely expensive. Unless you just want to make alot of noise or lay down suppressive fire, full auto has little use from individual small arms. If you get a semi auto and convert it or get an illegally converted rifle You'll go to prison and end up broke.
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New member
from anyone who has one thats fully and one thats semi which is better?

Better speak with some NFA dealers on that one . . . and be prepared for sticker shock.

You can buy a cheap-o semi for a few hundred, a really nice semi for $600-700 or an NFA weapon for thousands. I don't know how many, but start thinking of decent used compact cars and you won't be too far off.

Better yet, take the NFA questions to the NFA forum on this board.


New member
You can buy a cheap-o semi for a few hundred, a really nice semi for $600-700 or an NFA weapon for thousands.

As long as you don't get into something fancy like a Krink or a milled receiver, a full auto AK is going to run about $15,000. If its a Krink or has some history (not just a conversion), the numbers are going to get closer to (and possibly surpass) the $20,000 mark.


New member
7.62x39 on top


If you are asking questions like this, I suggest you forget about anything full-auto until you gain more experience.

Some folks would take the full-auto inquiry in this context the wrong way.


New member
Why in the world do you even want a full-auto AK anyway?

If you have the desire and the cash to do it legally, I think the real question is "why not?" I (and a number of others here on TFL) own transferable machineguns. Why? The same reason I also own any else that isn't a bare necessity - because I want to, because it makes me happy to have them, and simply because I can.


New member
If you have the desire and the cash to do it legally, I think the real question is "why not?" I (and a number of others here on TFL) own transferable machineguns. Why? The same reason I also own any else that isn't a bare necessity - because I want to, because it makes me happy to have them, and simply because I can.
It is necessary for law-abiding civilians to own full autos, just in case. :cool:


New member
I've come to realize that I didn't phrase that question the way I really meant to. :eek: Let me revise it:

Buying a full-auto AK is going to require some serious coin once you add up the purchase, tax stamps, and feeding- think of how fast you could rip thru even the cheapest 7.62x39 ammo in full auto. :eek: Are you really adequately determined and financially able to make this kind of commitment to your hobby? There's a HUGE financial difference between a $350 WASR-10 and a full-auto AK.

That's what I meant to say.