AK-47 deterrent


A couple of boys, petty theft, a little extreme at first glance that. Firing the shot....well I'd like to know what he saw before I make a call on that one. Maybe those were gangboys and he knew it and they had their homies out in the car watching him. Where is this store? Bad neighborhood. Still the principle to protect your property is there. And they did exit the property and he let them go after they dropped the stolen items after which he took a defensive position.

Those are my thoughts. The DA would probably start crying and demand grief counselars for those poor victimized teenagers:( and demand that the store owner publicly apologize and give them a free beer when they reach 21. He would probably go to jail for brandishing, daring to threaten deadly force to protect the fruit of his labor. DA's value criminal life rather than the life liberty and property of hard working respectable citizens.

NOW, for all I know, maybe those were 10 year old boys that got caught by a psycho with an AK who was already robbing the place "I found this place first, you boy's scram!" kinda thing.

guy who works at the store is a member of a forum I'm on. He shot 2 rounds (the gun jammed) AFTER they had shot 6 rounds at him with a hand gun (they obviously missed).

Didn't know that. Too bad the gun jammed. Glad he is still alive. Sorry they got away. Hope the police caught them


New member
well there's not a whole lot to see, but I did notice the second guy with the blue shirt on seems to be messin with something in his pants as he first enters the store. His shirt is unreasonably large so it does a good job covering up anything he might be hiding in his waist band. Just a thought though. Who knows.

gordo b.

New member
IF blue shirt pointed/discharged a gun he is dead meat , at any age! Attitude displayed will do them good in their future of life time revolving door incarceration.:mad:


New member
Also, I think there were three kids...
White shirt comes in, stripe shirt goes to the door but goes back, blue shirt comes in then goes back out all while white shirt is grabbing the beer.


New member
That it's a good argument for fixed stocks on AKs? :)

Truthfully, just looking at the video it looks like he did wrong the minute he stepped outside... though it's hard to say without audio. He might have heard them getting on someone else.. or just taunting him. Hard to say.


Dumb to go outside the door. Ought to have called the police.

And how badly do you have to bubba an AK to make it jam, when they won't even jam for third-world fighters who never clean the damn things? :eek:


Norinco AKs are pretty pricey now, actually.
I'd suspect more likely a home-dremeled WASR-10, which would explain a feed failure.

The lack of a stock on it is also serious "uh, no" winner points.


New member
I feel that the shop keeper over reacted. A couple of kids trying to steal some beer, really not a big deal. you just made petty theft a life or death deal. Personally when someone trys crap at my convince store, I yell at them, and if it doesn’t work, well they just got some free crap.