Ajax custom grips -- and internet headaches


New member
It's just like me to get confused about the grips online. Bought a new S&W 60 and wanted pachmayr grips for it. I accidently ordered the compac professional instead of the compac -- largely because they look exactly alike. The site doesn't show the correct pic for the compac pro so I naturally screwed up. Called the 1-800 and tried to get the 24 hour service, which didn't work. E-mailed again to ask that they make the correction before shipping out. Has anyone done business with Ajax -- are they good at checking their messages or will they send out the order inspite of my efforts? :(

Sir William

New member
My Ajax experience has been negative. Many others I have talked with have had bad Ajax experiences. It is difficult to contact them.


New member
Living only a few miles north of them, I called first and was able to drop in and pick up a Safety Block for new Glock. It was in an industrial district not too far from Texas Stadium - and in the same building where they manufacture the grips.

The receptionist handled the little deal quite efficiently. Some signs in her office looked like they at least had an attitude of trying to be customer service oriented.

This is the weekend after all. I'd suggest waiting to see if you hear back from them in first 1/2 of day on Monday. If not, then call.


New member
A couple of years back I bought a set of real ivory grips for a '65 vintage Colt Detective Special from Ajax. As I recall they were $300+ w/the shipping!!!

I talked with the owner on the phone and described the grip config that I required. He said he just happened to have a set there on his desk that were make for another customer that didn't take them.

I thought that being in the grip business he would know what was what with the different DS frames. I had offered to send a tracing of the grip but he didn't want it.

When the grips arrived, they were WRONG! :eek:

Long story short, I had to go thru Hell to get my $'s back for their mistake. The attitude was all it took for me NOT to deal with Ajax ever again. :barf:


New member
Bad vibes....I tried calling twice the so-called "24 hour number." I've e-mailed several times and will call again from work. I'll be so ticked off if the wrong grips come. They show the same picture for both the compac and the compac pro. Damn... :mad:


I bought a pair of there polymer ivory grips for a 1911. They started cracking from the bottom corner of the grip up towards the screw hole. They were only 3 months old. They aren't warrantied against cracking. Need i say more?


New member
Are You Old Enough To Remember?

Use Ajax, Bum Bum!
The foaming cleanser, Bupabupabumbumbum!
Floats the dirt, Bum Bum
Right down the drain, Bupabupabupabum!

[happy smile]

Master Blaster

New member
I bought a pair of the faux mother of pearl grips from them and a pair of their round to square conversion grips for a S&W 686+. The faux MOP grips did not fit the gun properly (LARGE GAPS), and they were too slippery as well. I returned them and received full credit. I then ordered a set of round to square rosewood conversions for th same gun, they were billed as rosewood, but were actually a red colored wood laminate, they looked good, but after shooting them a few times I found the finder grooves were in the wrong place and the space between the trigger guard and the front of the grip was not beefy enough to keep the trigger guard from rapping my knuckles. It also made for an uncomfortable reach for the trigger. It was past the 30 days so I could not send them back.

Ajax was slow to ship and it took like two weeks to get grips they said they had in stock.

Get a set of Hogues they are much better and their revolver grips are made right and actually fit the gun.



New member
E-mailed, called twice, and faxed. After receiving no reply Monday around nine, I called again and got a man to answer. I explained the error and gave my order number; he said he'd correct the order and send the right grips out. I also got the customer service rep to answer with a confirmation e-mail saying they got the message. I'm keeping my fingers crossed but will pay more to order from the company itself next time rather an Ajax. Let's hope they get it right....


New member
They arrived...the right grip -- possibly the wrong screw. We kept trying to get the screw to inset the way they look in DHart's pics but nothing worked. It stuck out too much and just wouldn't set right. My father realized there was no metal part to help thread it in (the washer), and Hell, maybe it was the wrong screw. We took out the washer from the factory grip AND the screw and it worked -- closed tightly and looked like it was actually in correctly. My father told me not to order from the company again, which I won't. Next time, I'll just order direct from Pachmayr.