Airweight - spitting, is this common?


New member
Along similar lines that I posted in the rifle forum.

My 642 Airweight when firing, it seems to regularly spit powder or residue back at me. It is a bit uncomfortable. I kind of thought that was just the nature of the gun, but perhaps something is out of alignment?

Is this something a gunsmith can fix?


New member
Its not a common trait with the 642. Mine dont and I shoot it a lot.

Check the rear of the barrel (where its suppose to line up with the cylender) see if there is excessive lead splatters, If so, then it is possibly out of line.

Also the rear, chamber end of the barrel should have a slight bevel where the bullet enteres the barrel. If its sharp, its gonna shave the bullets causing spitting.

You can have a gunsmith check it out, If the barrel needs a bit of bevel, its a simple fix, but if it's allinement and needs repaired I would suggest you send it to Smith & Wesson.


New member
Send it back! It's probably a slight barrel/cylinder misalignment or an improperly formed forcing cone. Sure, a gunsmith could fix it, but why bother when S&W will fix it for free?

If you purchased it recently, S&W should send you a prepaid shipping label. Handguns can only be shipped UPS or FedEx next day air, which now runs $30-$60, so you want the free label. ;)
If this is not a gun you bought new I would suspect someone has been watching to much TV and was flipping the cylinder closed. Send it in for repair.


New member
I bought the gun new, and never flip the cylinder. I think I've maybe ran 400 rounds thru it at most. I'll find the contact for S&W and see if I can get it fixed.


New member
Is it powder or lead? Are you shooting outdoors and which way was the wind blowing? The wind can blow powder residue back at you and nothing be wrong with your revolver.


New member
Just regular target rounds also with some self defense hollowpoints. All of this was done in an indoor shooting range.


New member
Common? Maybe. Just more evidence that S&W aint what it used to be. Next time, buy the Taurus 85 Ulltralite.


New member
I stopped by the shop I bought it from. The fellow who is the gun smith for the shop seemed to think two of the 5 cylinders might be slightly out of alignment and that the cylinder cone gap is just slightly too big.

It's been sent off to Smith and Wesson for warranty service.


New member
I stopped by the shop I bought it from. The fellow who is the gun smith for the shop seemed to think two of the 5 cylinders might be slightly out of alignment and that the cylinder cone gap is just slightly too big.

It's been sent off to Smith and Wesson for warranty service.

Let us know what S&W says and what they do to fix it.

Good luck.
I have had a similar experience. Thought it might be the gap , no gap is good, Cylinders alignment is good also. But found out it was the powder I was using. 2400 spit stuff back at me. H110 No problems.........:D


New member
I got the pistol back about a month ago, but didn't get to fire it until just last week.

Well. The problem is better. In that it doesn't seem to happen as often, but I'm still getting particles flying back at me. The lead particles seem to hit farther on the outside of my cheek.

Since the gun is so new, I wonder if running more rounds thru it would fix it somehow. I'm wondering if I should send it back a second time. The forcing cone area seems to have some smoothing done to it.

It's a little sad because I like the weight and size. I'm beginning to wonder if I should move to something else. The particles aren't huge, but the side effect is it is making me flinch a bit when I fire the gun occasionally.

The worst thing in the world is not having confidence in a weapon.


New member
I'd have your gun shop look at it again, just for a second opinion, but if it is still spitting bad, I'd give S&W a call right now and demand they either fix it, replace it.

Just curious what S&W claimed to have done to fix the problem?


New member
My guess is the cylinder gap is on the far side of being in spec. What does your cylinder gap measure ? If it were me, I wouldn't have bought an Airweight in the first place. Why don't you send it back, and tell them you want a new gun, or sell it and buy a real gun ;)


New member
I love the airweights and airlites, if you are going to pocket carry it is the only way to go. I just got back from the range today, I shoot my new no lock
642 for the first time today. So while I was reading this thread I had to stop and go look in the mirror to see if I had residue on my face or on my white tee shirt. Really I did that and mine is not spitting back on me and neither is my 340. You need to send it back to S&W again and keep us posted, we hear
all the time about there great customer service, so lets see if it is true.


New member
From what I've read about Taurus's customer service I would never own one. All they are is a cheap copy of a S&W.