Air Rifle for Pest Deterrence


New member
I am not current on air rifle performance and have some questions. I need something to deter some large agressive semi-feral dogs (80-100 lb) whose owners can't seem to understand why I don't need them in my yard on a daily basis. I already have a dog. These mutts have become a nuisance. Have gone the LEO, Animal Control, etc. route with no concrete results. Considered just shooting them dead on my property, but really don't want to kill them (or disturb my neighbors). Questions:
1. Would a .22 or .177 air (or CO2) rifle do the job without being lethal? I'm thinking a scoped shot to the flanks...
2. What is the typical range and muzzle velocity for these type of weapons?
3. What kind of range/accuracy can I expect?
4. What kind of price range? I don't need a target competition model...just something that I can hit a slow moving target with at anywhere from 25-100 meters. I realize that the extreme range might not be possible...but I am curious.
Other at-hand alternatives include Capsicum spray (would rather not flood the neighbors with this...), or just walk out and shoot the critters (probably w/ shotgun). Local LEO advise that I am within my rights to do so, and the area would allow use of shotgun (safe zones of fire and backstop using small diameter shot). I would just prefer not to cap the beasties without trying some lower order of force beforehand. Have already had to beat one with an ASP to deter an attack on my dog. Any advice (techniques, equipment, legal, antecdotal, etc.) would be appreciated.

Mike Baugh

New member
I have a Sheridan Silver Streak with a Williams peep sight for that purpose . I think I have about $130 total in it and it has made them yelp and run at 75 yards . I like it because you can vary the power with the number of pumps . Plus it is a classic [I had one when I was a kid] . Good luck , Mike...


New member
You might want to consider the Daisy 22X that sells at Walmart for around $58 IIRC. Like the Sheridan it's an adult sized pump-pneumatic with a real wood stock and rifled barrel, but about 1/2 the price. The nice thing about a pump-pneumatic is you control the power. Pump it twice and it'll scare a dog off. Pump it 10 times and at close range it'll kill a dog (though don't expect it to drop Fido like a box of rocks). The 22X is also designed to be easily scoped. -- Kernel

nine fingers

New member
I agree with Kernel (above). I have the same Daisy and have used it for the same purpose. I would suggest that you try to take your shot with out the dog seeing you. It will be much less likley to come back if it doesn't know what hit him. Also, less likley to attack you when you walk by his house.


New member
i have a crosman 670 ($29 at wal mart) with a 4x tasco on it, and i routinely shoot 1" groups at 50-75 feet. a friend who shoots competetion actually shot persimmons out of a tree with it. for that price you cant go wrong.


New member
GAMO Hunter 890, 1000fps of .177 lead furry! Makes the wild chickens go cluck, then fall down and go boom.......

Very accurate and will wack whatever you hit nicely

Point Blank

New member
Considering that you own a dog too,i think a fenced yard would be my best advice.I put up one where i live and my three dogs love it,keeps them in and bad things out.

Dave R

New member
Chindo, if your objective is to keep the dogs away, but not injure them, stay away from the high-powered air rifles like the Gamo hunter. A .177 at 1000fps will penetrate the dog (probably quite a bit), causing prolonged injury and possibly making the dog(s) more vicious.

Stick with a pump, and pump few times, or stick with something low-powered. Best test it by shooting at several different objects first (cans? phone book? a ham?) to get a feel for what penetration will be, before using it on the dog.
Don't aim for the area right behind the front legs. You don't want to puncture a lung. Aim for the hindquarters where they're more fleshy and please, if you use pellets, use the flat target types which won't penetrate as readily.

I remain, humbly sir, your kinder, gentler and more compassionate, critter controller,

4v50 Gary

Hot Core

New member
Hey Chindo, I also have a Blue Streak that I got in 1977/78 to "influence" a neighbors cat not to sleep on my boat cover. I think I started with 3 pumps and sent the 5mm pellet into the kitty's ham. I increased it by one pump until the cat got the message. I think it was 5 pumps when the cat decided to find a better spot to snooze.

However, I'm a firm beleiver in making the irresponsible owners of the pets suffer a bit for allowing their cats/dogs to roam at will over your property. I do like the idea of using the spray on them, since once they go home, it will remain with them and be transfered to the owners or rubbed onto their furniture. (No doubt after they allow them to run loose, they take them in their house.)

Even better is good old "Cover Scent", Fox Urine or Skunk Juice. Problem is you have to get the critters up close to apply it.

I have a Wrist Rocket sling shot that would be possible to actually harm the critter. I'd try to avoid that if you want to stay in good graces with the neghbors. Had a guy actually "Kill a Neighbor" in South Carolina last year over a dog. So, you do need to be careful with such stuff.

Wher I was raised in Kentucky, the Seedy horses ran around $100,000 so no "loose pets" were tolerated. A 22LR was standard equipment in all the trucks that I can remember anyone having. But, that was a different world than we live in today.

Darn shame the pets have to suffer because of irresponsible owners, but that is the way it seems to work.

Good luck with your problem, Hot Core


New member
.177 tends to be more accurate that the .22

I was very tempted by the Silver Streak. It looks like an excellent airgun for the money.

I'd pepper spray them. Like Hot Core said, it'll get their owner's attention too.


New member
.177 will kill if you hit the right (wrong) place

Ammonia or capsicum mixed in water in a fire extinguisher (the kind you refill with an air hose) or a supersoaker. I'm not as nice as you, I use .22 CB rounds.