Aimpoint vs the EOtech


New member
Ok, I am going to purchase some optics for my bushmaster, and I want to know the highs and lows of each, I have had the chance to test out the eotech, and I like it, but I want to give aimpoint a fair chance first.


New member
Ultimately, I think this is something that comes down to personal preference. You're going to find you either like one or the other more.

However, I will take a stab at briefly listing the plusses and minuses of each - with a brief disclaimer, I own both, but bought each of them a while ago, so there may be newer models with different/better features.

Aimpoint plusses - a little more rugged than Eotech. Longer battery life.

Eotech plusses - cheaper. I personally find the reticle design allows for faster target acquisition at CQB distances. (But others may find the exact opposite).

Jamie Young

New member
EOTECH under 100yds, ACOG past 100yds.

I don't like red-dots. Not enough reticle IMHO.

EOTECH are capable of shooting at longer distances if you turn the power down, but not as defined as an illuminated IOR or ACOG reticle.

Rainbow Six

New member
I've only played with Aimpoints in stores. Never fired shots with one... but I'm loving the EOTech I went with for my AR.


New member

You can certainely shoot past 100 yards with the Aimpoint. You can effectively hit out to 300 meters which is 150 meters more then one should be shooting with a 5.56mm.



New member
I vote for Aimpoint

First off I've never used an EOTECH or ACOG. I own an aimpoint that I bought 3 years ago. I really like it because the dot is simple. You put it where you want to hit and that is where the bullet goes. I have left the sight on for 3 weeks and found that I left it on. Then the battery would still last forever after that. In the years that I've owned it I have only changed the battery once. Newer Aimpoints have technology that the battery lasts even longer. I have no complaints. Plus it looks awesome:D


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New member
The Aimpoint has longer battery life, but I have heard that the Eotech is preferred over in the sandbox.

Me I can't use either, as I have astigmatism in my domiant eye. So I am still trying to figure out what scope I want.


New member
Rob96 - I have the exact same problem so I know what you mean. Instead of a nice round dot you see what looks like 4-5 dots all joined together. You might want to think about getting some perscription shooting glasses. Since I always shoot with eye protection anyway, I figured it made sense to spend a little extra and get some glasses that corrected my vision since I'm a little nearsighted and have an astigmatism. Glasses work great and definitely help anytime I'm shooting out beyond about 25 yards.


New member
Another problem that I have is that I have a fixed carry handle, and I don't want it to look stupid on my beautiful rifle, if you guys have any pics of the two mounted on a carry handle or any suggestions about that please enlighten me.


New member
I thought about it Houndog, but then decided against it. I have prescription glasses that I use for readind and when I get headaches from my astigmatism, but for shooting prefer to use my Oakleys. Plus I am still a little old school. Took me a while to figure that I really did like a vertical fore grip on my AR. Plus I like low power scopes.


New member

"You can certainely shoot past 100 yards with the Aimpoint. You can effectively hit out to 300 meters which is 150 meters more then one should be shooting with a 5.56mm.":eek:

I'll be filing this in my HANDY FACTS for future reference.


New member
I have played with Aimpoints in stores, but I have EOTechs on my rifles. I pick up targets MUCH quicker with the EO's and like not having to look through a tube. I believe you should be able to get a dogleg mount that will allow you secure it in the carry handle, and then it mounts the EOTech forward of the handle. THis not only looks better, it also allows you to cowitness with your iron sights, which is always a good feature to have. I have been nothing but pleased with EOTech.