Ahhh, thank todd for the internet!


New member
It amazes me anymore these days how things gun related (and I'm sure just about anything related for that matter) get whipped up into a frenzy, often seemingly generated by some comment or suggestion like...."AHHH, AHHH, there will NEVER, EVER, in the remaining short history of the planet, be another SIG P6/P225 mag EVER made again, so buy, BUY, BUY!, even if you dont have the gun!", and then va la!, theres a rush on the banks to cover the loans to suck up every remaining P6 mag in sight!

Here's what this is all leading up to.... :)





Shore am glad I got mine before anybody really seemed to care. :)


Good gun leather isn't cheap. Those prices, while high, don't seem unreasonable for really good quality holsters. And remember, you don't have to buy. If it doesn't sell at that price, it will be back at a lower price.


New member
I know good stuff isnt cheap (well, actually, in the long run its cheaper :) ), but twice the price plus, and for used stuff to boot? Not me. :)

I guess its just been hitting me lately at how certain things get artificially pumped up, or panics started due to internet rumors and all of a sudden, things just seem to quicly sprial out of control. I guess in this case, instant information isnt necessarily a good thing.... unless your get in early, buy up cheap, and sell high. ;)


New member
I know good stuff isnt cheap (well, actually, in the long run its cheaper ), but twice the price plus, and for used stuff to boot? Not me.

A lot of that stuff is brand new, and you'd be paying the premium to avoid the six-month wait time. For some folks, that would be a bargain well struck.



I guess its just been hitting me lately at how certain things get artificially pumped up,

And you're right. On places like eBay, you gotta know what you're buying and the going price. You also gotta weigh how much you want something and how long it will take to get it elsewhere.


New member
I suppose my point here is, we're sort of like the proverbial boobies in the trap when it comes to some of the posts you see on the different boards. We seem to bounce from one part of the trap to the other, "hurry up, these will be the absolute last we'll be able to get (aint they always?) and they're in short supply now .....", or, "better hurry up and get your order in now, the backlog is only growing" Jeez, I wonder why that is? Everybody is out panic buying at inflated prices because of some silly internet rumor. (I know, I gotta go get another credit card just to cover it all! :) )

Then again, maybe since I seem to be more on the leading edge of the big dollar "shortages" with my interests, I might could just have to become more of a pirate. Arrrrrrr, matey! Would ya like buy a couple of P6 mags at a very reasonable price? Since your a member of TFL, $80 for a mag, and I'll throw in a VMII for a mere $300! Arrrrrrrr, wadda say laddie?

Oooo, ooo, dont step there, run over here! Pick up the pretty rock that doesnt belong there! I cant take it any more! :D


New member
Ebay stinks

I can't stand Ebay, I've seen some really stupid bidding there. I will agree though that some things like custom made leather might be worth the premium price paid for having the item right away. As an example, I ordered a IWB holster for my UCII from Brigade and it took a "year" to get the darn thing. I was about to cancel my order but I'm glad I didn't, the holster is a piece of art and the finest leather I've ever seen, but I would have paid a little more to get it sooner.