Ah, Yes! "Peace On Earth"

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
From StratFor: Venezuela is about to select a new 5.56 mm assault rifle to replace the FAL 7.62 assault rifle used by all branches of its military. More than 100,000 FAL rifles will be decommissioned and stored in Venezuelan military arsenals, where thefts occur frequently.

Thousands of FAL rifles will probably be exported to buyers in other countries as part of a developing strategy by President Chavez to turn Venezuela into a major regional arms exporter.

Venezuela's move to better arm its troops is likely to put more rifles into the hands of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and National Liberation army (ELN) guerrillas and contribute to escalating violence in Colombia.

End Summary

"...,where thefts occur frequently." This does not bode well for our "advisors" in Colombia.

"Deja vu all over again": Quite similar to the 1960s, with the Black Panthers acquiring M-16s from National Guard armories.

:(, Art