Aguila 22 ammo?


New member
Wondering if anyone has used the Colibri (SP?) ammo they have in handguns? It is a weak load 20grains @ ~500 fps IIRC

Wondering if it shoots very well out of hanguns? I am thinking of getting a 22 revolver soon, since I have several spots on the "back 40" were I live now that I could shoot weak 22 ammo safely. But landlords don't really want noise of centerfire cartridges.


New member
I shot some of the Colibri 20 grain stuff at 50 feet. Using Smith and Colt revolvers and a Beretta 21A, groups were patterns. Someone posted later that they got good accuracy up to 15 feet of so.


New member
I can manage one shot hits on 2x2" blocks of wood out to about 20-25 yards with the 6.5" Single Six. The report is much like a capgun.. these are standard colirbri though, not super.

jack pringle

New member
had an average of one dud per 50 rd. box of Colibri. no misfires in CCI CB long. the CB longs are also easier to handle.

have not tried for paper accuracy at distance. both shoot reasonably well at 25 ft. or less. at least on cans, leaves floating in the creek, and one mouse. very quiet in a rifle bbl.

going out to 25 yds. or so, i switch to .22 shorts. not much louder, more poop, more accuracy.

when the Colibri i have on hand is used up, it is CCI from lthen on. probably keep one box in souvenier ammo collection.

campus ninja

New member
anuone try this ammo in a..

N.A.A. Mini revolver? Or how about a Tracer round? Just curious as I am seriously considering one.


New member
Ewok is correct, only the Super Colibri variety pushes that pointy little 20gr "bullet" to 500 fps, whereas the Standard Colibri is rated at 350 fps. Though it would be nice if it gave velocity ratings from a specific barrel length.

I've used both Colibri and Super Colibri (never had a dud from either brick) and must recommend the Super Colibri if .22 CB Longs or Shorts are still too loud.

I've noticed that the standard Colibris will generate a bit more velocity from a handgun than from a rifle (unfortunately, more noise as well).
I suppose it would retain even more velocity from a snubnose or NAA, simply because all the primer propellant is expended immediately, and not much barrel is needed to get up to maximum speed. Rifles seem to create a "drag" on the bullet and cause it to decelerate within the barrel.

Oh yeah, a Colibri (which BTW means "Hummingbird" in Spanish, thus the icon on the box) will kill a rat quite easily... just ask the one I caught on a glueboard in my shed last year.


New member
I have Speer CB's been using them in my rifle for couple of years.

Don't yet have 22 revolver, will be getting an airwt with 3" brrl.

I thought the Colibri was less powerful than the CB's is that true?

Is the Super Colibri about same as a CB?

I am planning on doing a lot of shooting with this revolver and quiet ammo. Hope to shoot at least every other day at targets. Plus assorted small game and pest control (ie rodents, crows, pigeons, and maybe fox/coyote/stray dogs).

I am better off using CB's for everything smaller than fox? Probably use stingers or win hp's for fox/coyote/dog (couple stray dogs been causing some problems...landlords want dogs gone but they are never around when I'm here :))


New member
Have recently shot a few boxes of "Super" stuff from 2 rifles. Best groups around 1 1/2" at 50'. Same guns put regular .22 ammo in groups that can be covered with a dime.

Yesterday I could not resist putting crosshairs on a crow and launching one of the little quiet projectiles at him from approx. 60 feet. Shot (aimed high to compensate for known drop) appeared to be a good frontal hit, but crow flew off - quickly! Probably just enough velocity left for bullet to to "thump" or slide off. If similar opportunity (crow strutting around on ground just outside door) again, I might go for a head shot - but the stuff does not seem to be accurate enough to count on that beyond maybe 20 to 25 feet.


New member
Is the Super Colibri about same as a CB?

Not even close. The colibri uses absolutely no powder (this goes for the super colibri as well). The only propellant is the primer compound. I wouldn't use colibri cartridges for anything other than dispatching rodents close up, or testing my stalking skills on crow. As pointed out above, these things don't have a lot of ump up close, and have nearly none at all at any significant range.
On a bright enough day, occasionally you can even see the tiny colibris arc downrange.

At 30', I doubt a colibri will have enough juice left to dispatch (something the size of) a feral cat, whereas a CB long likely will punch clean through.

The colibri and the CB are in two completely different catagories, but the colibri is still a fun product.


New member
My Davies .22 derringer is pretty close to a NAA mini. Fun round. No accuracy beyond 5 feet.<---mostly the guns fault though since .22lr also have no accuracy beond 5 feet in the Davies either.
A charge of .22 shot, followd by a colibri to the head dispatched a snake with no problem and little noise at about 3 feet.


New member
I just picked up some Super Colibri and tried it out a little. Accuracy out of a Browning Buckmark wasn`t great but it was enought to hit soda cans center mass at 20'. I tried one penetration test at a 3" square block of dried oak. It knocked the block back about 3" or so,cracked it all the way through and embeded the bullet about 5/8" deep. Not too shabby for a lil pipsqueak. It was pretty quiet too,just a little louder than a capgun. Downside is that they won`t stay in the mags or feed (manually of course). I may have to try some CB longs for the Buckmark. Marcus


New member
Hey Boys-
Try your CCI CBs [long or short] in your bolt action 22 rifle with the long bbl [Romanian 22].
Very quiet.
If you try it in your revolver....very loud!
