AGI Videos


New member
Gun Test has an ad about AGI Gunsmithing Videos. Now most are beyond me but there are a few that I have the capabilities to actually understand and use. I would like an opnion of these videos from anyone who has seen or used them. Please post a responce.
thanks a lot


New member
I have several of the firearm-specific videos and in general I like them. They do a fine job of explaining and showing how to disassemble and reassemble the entire firearm. They cover common repairs and how to inspect for parts that are worn or damaged. Lubrication and maintenance are typically covered.

On the tapes I have seen, the gunsmith is very knowledgable, and has a wealth of experience to share. The videos are not glitzy or slick, but give some very practical info for the home gunsmith or gun owner wanting detailed knowledge of his or her firearm.

E. BeauBeaux

New member
I have several, and keep going through them as I get enough rounds on one for a complete breakdown and cleaning. I still learn something new each time, or I had forgotten it from before. C.R.S. I guess. They are worth the money IMO.


New member
Thanks Liprogun, and BeauBeaux, These go on my suggested B-day, Christmas list. It was nice of you guys to respond and help me out.
thanks again
See ya later ya'll


New member
I have several and do plan on getting more as time permitts. They are very knowledgeable and handy to have around. Better than a book since you can just replay it when you want.


I've got the M1 Garand / M1A video from them. At first I felt a little ripped off cause they really only disassemble the Garand, and I have the M1A, but the more I watch it, the more satisfied I am with it. It only takes 0.005% brain power added to the video to get the meat out of it. I'll buy more of the vid's as money permits.

Simple Green is Great!


New member
I couldn't agree more about the m1/m1a tape. Almost the first words out of the Smith's mouth is that he doesn't like M14's much, and doesn't know much about them, so he'll use the M1 for his lecture.

Every chapter on the tape is labeled as "M1/M1A" cleaning, disassembly etc., but he barely even shows you what a M1A looks like.

Not a bad tape for the Garand, but NOT what the tape is advertised as!:mad:


New member
The AGI on Remington 1100s is great.

The AGI on Winchester 1897s is great.

What the hell happened with those two suck butt videos on Garrands?