AGI gunsmithing videos


New member
Does anyone out there have any experience with the AGI series of gunsmithing video? Specifically the Beretta/Taurus 92 edition. Is it worth the $30 bucks? Thanks.



New member
It depends on what you want from it.

I bought the one for the Glocks. If all you want is to know how to detail strip your gun, save some money and buy the Army/USMC armorer's manual. What the video offers, though, is a little more insight on how the gun works and the parts' relationships with each other. I think the production quality and presentation can certainly be improved on; but, they are basically the only game in town for that sort of thing.:)


New member
I have them for the Glock and AK-47. Quality is poor but they are still helpfull. I bought three for $75.


New member
They are so instructive that I could follow along! (And I have to have the instructions out to dissemble most firearms).