After the hunt is over......


New member
Caught this guy yesterday....... Thought I'd post a picture of what happens after the fun is over. Did not turn out to clear but you get the idea.

He's a little over 10'........... with a perfect hide! Really makes me crazy that the market for the skins is so pitiful. But then they love the fresh meat in the market...........and catching them is still about as much legal fun as I'm allowed to have.



New member
Gator is one meat that I have not had the privilege of eating yet. What does it taste like? And please don't say "chicken" Is it fishy? or more meatlike?


New member
And please don't say "chicken"

Ok............ but it really does taste some what like chicken. It is much better than chicken in my opinion. Not fishy at all but the texture might be closer to lobster? I have never had it fresh however but I've had it several times and its been excellent each time.


And please don't say "chicken"

OK..... Ummmm..... er.....

I know! It tasted EXACTLY like rattlesnake, and the pieces were not all "back" pieces, but were large and boneless.

Of course, you know what rattlesnake tastes like, don't you?

Dr. Strangelove

New member
Nice catch!

It is a shame about the hide market, but the greenies took care of that for ya...

Gator is one meat that I have not had the privilege of eating yet. What does it taste like? And please don't say "chicken" Is it fishy? or more meatlike?

Ha! It's easiest to describe as tasting like chicken, because of the texture and flavor.

Gator meat really is in a category of it's own, it's not a red meat flavor, it's more similar to poultry, but less dense. If you've ever had white tuna at a sushi bar, it's very similar to that (white tuna doesn't have a fishy taste), but the meat isn't flaky like fish. It's also very similar to a thick grouper steak, but the meat is more dense.

The best way to describe it is as a cross between chicken and fish, with the density being about halfway between both, and no fishy taste.

Gator ribs are awesome! (I lived in FL for 7 years)

Edit - Yep, Jimbob86 it tastes just like rattlesnake. :)


New member
Nice gator bswiv! ;)

Been awhile since I've eaten gator but as I remember the texture of the meat was similar to the meat of a shark with the taste of rattlesnake. Not fishy at all but if overcooked gets rubbery.

The only way I've eaten it was deep fried.

Anyone have any good recipe's?

C'mon bswiv, let go of some of those "good ole" family recipe's.
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New member
Thanks for the info guys, I'm always up for trying new foods. Heck, I'll try anything once, twice if I'm not sure.:p As long as it doesn't taste like woodchuck:barf: